Chapter IV

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~~~30 minutes later~~~

*Ryan's POV*

"Ma?" I say slowly waking up. I don't hear or see anything. I suddenly fall out of bed. My eyes then adjust to see where I am. "What time is it?" I say in a drowsy voice. I look a the red, digital clock. I guessed it was 7:00. "What's going on?" I ask no one. I hear someone running up the stairs. "Am I dreaming? Well, when I fell off the bed it hurt. So, I guess I'm not dreaming." I say trying to stand up.

"Ryan!" I hear mom yell in the doorway. She grabs my arm. "Be careful!" She says sniffling. I can hear, and see clearly to find mom holding me up. "What happened?" I ask very confused. "You went to Brendon's house and came back like this!" Mom explains to me. "I don't need help!" I say pushing mom off me. "Yes you do! I don't want you to end up in the hospital again!" Mom yells letting go of me. She grabs me again once she realised I needed help. I nearly fell on her.

"Sit down!" She says pushing me on the bed. "Dan is at Hot Topic to get some things for the party." Mom explains. "I'm thirsty!" I whine. Mom leaves for a minute. She comes back with a glass of water. I chug it down as fast as I can. "Go slow!" Mom yells. Mom sits down next to me, rubbing my back.

My phone starts to ring. I stare at it till the 3rd ring. "Don't answer it!" I hear mom say. But, I answer it anyway. "Hello.....oh hi don't know.......let me ask my mom" I said. But, I didn't end the call. "Mom? Can Aubrey come over?" I ask looking at mom. She slowly nods her head. I go back to talking with Aubrey. "Ya......yay.........why does everyone have early presents for me?!.........bye........ya" I ended the call.

"Why am I so tired?" I ask while mom rubs my back. "Cause' your growing up!" She says tearing up. She leaves the room with my empty glass of water. She comes back with the glass refilled.

*Dan's POV*

~~~at Hot Topic~~~

I look around the small store for band merch. I find 3 Green Day shirts for Ryan. I find 1 Fall Out Boy sweater with the anchor on it. I also got him some Tyler Joseph glasses.

I bump into Brendon while I was looking for pins. "Oh!" I say looking down. I try to hide my face. "I'm sorry!" I say in a girly voice. "Dan?" Brendon says. "Who is Dan?" I say keeping my act together. "Stop it!" Brendon yells, looking down at my face. I step back, hoping it's far enough. "What the heck?!" Brendon yells. "What?" I ask pretending not to know what he's talking about. His face turns mad. Then I run. But, Brendon doesn't chase after me.

I continue shopping for Ryan. I get him new eyeliner because I know he's running out. I find a pack of My Chemical Romance pins. How am I going to carry all this stuff? I ask myself. I find a basket, and put all the stuff in it.

Do they have wrapping paper here? I thought.

I bumped into a girl with brown hair and red ends. "Hey!" I said in a nice way. "Hi?" She said looking at Nirvana shirts. I noticed she was wearing a lanyard. "Can I help you?" She said looking back at me. "Oh! Do you have wrapping paper here?" I nervously asked. I've never seen wrapping paper here. "We have some in the back?" The girl moved towards the pins. And I followed. "What kind?" I ask, leaning on a glass case. "Fall Out Boy, MCRX, Nirvana, Anime, Green Day?" She told me a list. "I'll take the MCRX!" I say following her to the back.

"My name is Anna if you were wondering." She said handing me the wrapping paper. "I'm Dan!" I say nodding my head. "Do you go to Stanford University?" She said coming closer to me. "Ya!" I say loudly. Anna hands me a piece of paper and winks at me. The paper says: (631)-944-2427. "Um..." I say quietly. Anna walks away. "Ok?" I say when she's gone.

I already have a girlfriend. Eh. Whatever! I kept thinking.

I go to the cashier to buy Ryan's stuff. A blond girl with 2 purplish-blue buns. "Hi." She says checking my stuff. "Is it someone's birthday?" She asks. "Ya. On Monday." I reply immediately. "Cool. I'm Summer." She says putting Ryan's stuff in a bag. "I'm Dan!" I say tapping my fingers on the desk. Summer hands Ryan's stuff to me and I leave.

I wonder where Brendon is now?
Finished chapter 4. When will people start reading book 1!! I only have 41 reads on it!! I'll write part of each chapter every day. Comment and vote!!

- sauce7

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