Chapter 32: Babe

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Just in case you forgot what your read 3 seconds ago:

I scooped up the puppy and placed him in a large metal file cabinet. Which was probably animal abuse. The puppy started whimpering and scratching the metal walls.

"Shh! Zayn it's okay buddy. I'll leave the cabinet open until someone comes in. Just try to be quiet."

The Zayn looked up at me then backed up into the shadows of the large cabinet.

"God boy." I cooed.

Little Louis ended up in the backroom inside a book return basket.

"What are we going to do?" Harry whispered.

I held Liam's hand, "I don't know-"

The front door to the library opened and a police officer walked in.


"Hey guys, how's it going?" He strolled in. But he stopped when he saw Liam. He crouched down to his height, but Liam held my hand tighter. "Who's this little guy."

Liam let go of my hand, took a step towards the man. He had black hair and a clean shave, his cologne was strong too. Liam's hands turned to fists, then he punched the guy square on his nose. The police officer started bleeding.

All of our mouths shaped an o. We didn't think he was capable of doing something like this.

The man held his nose with both his hands. He was as amazed as we were.

"That's very rude." The man grumbled, swiftly walking out of the building, holding his nose.

I sighed, nice save Liam. I looked at him, but where did he learn to punch like that? I shook my head already knowing the answer. Anyways, we have more time. All we do is change Zayn and Louis back before the police officer comes back.

"Okay boys," Harry pulled Louis from the return basket, and Niall got Zayn out of his hiding spot. "Who do you, um, love?"

"I'm scared." Louis complained hugging Zayn.

"You guys are safe now." Niall smiled, "Now, who do you like?"

"Will the police officer come back?" Louis asked with the shivering dog in his crossed legs.

"Not for a while." Harry replied, "Now who do-"

"So he could come back right now?" Louis questioned.

I was about to pull my hair out, "NO! JUST TELL US WHO YOU LOVE!" I screeched.

Now everyone looked at me. Why did I yell? I muttered a little one word apology, sorry, then ran off. I needed to cool down. Nice job Ivory, you failed as a leader once again. What is wrong with me?

I sat at a table. Alone. I put my head down, my cheek lay on the cold table. I stared at the books. What if they don't love anyone? Is that why Louis was dodging the big question?

I buried my head in my arms, then made a moan similar to a sound a whale would produce.

I guess it would make sense. But what do we do now? The police will probably come back in a minute or two. Maybe I'll force them to love Robin.

"Ivory, get up, you'll look suspicious if you sit all glum like that." Niall tapped my shoulder and smiled. Why is he so happy?

"I can't help it." I sat up, then propped my head on my hand. "I don't know what to do-"

Zayn's voice echoed through the library, "Finally! Someone give me real food!"

I quickly stood up, "It that. . . ?"

Niall quickly nodded, then we both ran to everyone else.

"Ah, real food!" Zayn, only wearing jeans, was stuffing food in his mouth.

"Babe, at least put on a shirt first!" Louis laughed and threw a shirt over his Zayn's. He looked at me, "Hi Ivory, thanks for taking care of us."

I smiled and hugged him, "Sure." I let him go then looked at Zayn, "What's wrong with him?" Then I blinked after rewinding what just happened, "Did you call him babe?"

"He didn't like the dog food he ate. He's been surviving off the scraps I drop under the table." Then he blushed, "And I, uh, kind of love him."

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