Chapter 26: paper hats & planes

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This weekend Puck went home so that just left me, and Niall.

In a library.

With kids.

We just played with the boys. Well, I did, Niall kept obsessing on how cute they were. That might wear off soon.

"Louis, I wish you could see yourself right now." Niall laughed at Louis who was feeding crackers to Zayn who was under a table.

I stared at Niall, how did one kiss change him back? Why couldn't I change them all back! I need to get back to school eventually! It's been fun taking care of these boys, but I cringe every time I see a textbook.

On Sunday we ended up folding the school newspapers into paper hats and airplanes. The planes constantly got stuck on the really high bookshelves, so our hands were busy. Though Harry was pulling my hair telling my to hurry up, there was one question on my mind.

"Hey Niall?"


"Do you remember what happened while you were six?"

The speed of his folding decreased and I looked down.

"About half of it." He smiled, "But my head hurts when I think about it."

I looked up and smiled, just a fifty percent chance he remembered I kissed him, and rejected him, and dropped him on the first day because I somehow forgot a child was sitting on my lap?

"W-what do you remember?"

"You dropped me on the floor." he laughed.

"Oh, um sorry about that."

"It's fine." He said then held up a pink paper hat. "I forgive you." he placed the hat on my head and I smiled. He's so sweet. "You look good."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Ivory, Liam is broken!" Harry yelled from the back of the library. Thanks for running the moment. Wait what am I saying? There was no moment. Not at all.

Niall and I rushed over to Liam. "How is someone broken?" Niall asked. I shrugged and approached Liam who was sitting on the ground with his fingers in his mouth. Did someone slam his fngers between a door? Ouch.

"What happened?" I crouched down.

"My tooth won't stay in." he looked like he was about to cry.

Niall and I laughed and Liam looked confused as ever, "You have a loose tooth." I laughed examining his front tooth which was sticking out a bit. "It's supposed to come out so you can have grownup teeth."

"It' poking out." Louis said peering into his friend's mouth. "Pull it out Liam!"

Liam yanked on it but it didn't budge, "I don't like it, take it out!" he cried.

"Doesn't it take time and wiggling for it to come out?" Niall asked. 

"Or we could tie string around the tooth and the other end to a door knob which we slam." I smiled, "That's what my mom did to me."

Niall looked at me weird but nodded, "Let's do it."

Liam's upper jaw was sticking out with floss wrapped around it. He didn't seem that scared. The rest of the boys and I were watching at the sidelines. I can tell you right now, this isn't going to end well.

 "On three." Niall said holding the back room door open, "One....two!" Niall slammed the door, then Liam screamed holding his mouth with one stubborn tooth still stuck in his mouth. At east we tried.

"Oww!" Liam held is mouth and jumped around. That was loud.

"Shhh!" I ran up to Liam, "Sorry, but someone outside might hear us."

"Too late." Niall said as the library door opened. Who would come in the deserted library?

We all turned to the door.

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