Chapter 19 Lost Again?

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"WHERE ARE THE BOYS?!?!" I yelled.

"What? You lost them again?" Puck asked looking up from a magazine.

"Me? You're taking care of them too you know." My eyes grew wide, "What kind of magazine is that...?" I glared at the front cover.

"N-Nothing." Puck threw the thing across the room. "So um kids?" He changed the subject.

"Yea, I tried getting one of them to put the picture books back on the shelves, but none of them came."

"Maybe they're playing hide and seek?" he suggested staring at the direction he threw the distasteful magazine.

"It's been twenty minutes. Let's looks around." I dragged him with me before he got a chance to respond.

"HARRY! ZAYN?" I yelled walking around. "NIALLL?"


"I wonder if they're even inside the library, if they went outside, we're doomed." I looked behind the check-out counter. "Can you check the backroom?" I walked out from behind the counter, "Puck?"

Oh great, I lost him too. I don't know how I manage to lost five toddlers AND a guy the same day.


Suddenly, a loud echo of laughter could be heard from the other end of the library. That was obviously Puck. Agh that idiot, wait till I get my hands on him!

"Puck! Why didn't you answer me?" He was staring at something on the wall. "You scared me! I thought I lost you AND the boys. You can't just run off like that!"

"Hahahaha- wait what did you say?" Puck tuned around grinning.

"Nothing, what are you looking at?"

"Wait, were you saying you were maybe worried about me?" He leaned over so we were the same height.

"As if." I said pushing him out of the way.

It turns out he was laughing at a sheet of paper stuck to the wall by a booger that read 'CUM HERE' with an arrow pointing at another sheet of paper on the wall a few feet away.

Puck started laughing again, "I bet the dog wrote that" he held his stomach. "Cum here!" he laughed. "Hey Ivory, you should cum over there."

"I'll pass." I said taking the next paper off the wall. 'You ar geting closr' I read following the direction it was pointing.

This went on for seven papers, I don't even know how they produced that many boogers to hang all these up.

"WELCOME!" Niall greeted us.

"Gosh, where did you guys run off to?" I was about to scoop him up and suffocate him with hugs but he stepped back, "After the show ma'am."

"Show?" Puck raised an eyebrow.

"Yup, please take your seats." Niall pointed to two chairs positioned in front of curtains tacked to both sides of the back room.

I looked out the door to see the curtain less windows. "Oh boy..."

"Hi everyone, glad you could make it." Harry walked in front of the curtains talking into a banana. "Today's show will knock you socks off! Now, first up will be Louis and his dog Zayn preforming amazing tricks!" Harry walked away from the curtains, "I give you, the wonder pup!" he yelled.

Louis walked up on the stage holding a hula-hoop with Zayn following him. "H-Hello everyone, Zayn and I have a um trick t-to show you."

Puck leaned closer to me, "Does he have stage fright?"

"But it's only us." I whispered.

"Maybe he's afraid of stages." Puck joked.

I hit his stomach and watched Lou. He held the hoop up from the ground and Zayn charged at it with his little legs moving like lightning, then he ran right under the hoop....

"He's such a small dog..." I muttered.

"I'll lower the hoop Zayn, okay?" I headed Louis give Zayn a pep talk. The dog barked and tried again.

"Woof woof!" Zayn barked as he hopped over the hoop. Puck and I clapped as they bowed and skipped off the stage.

"Wasn't that AMAZING?!?!" Harry said running back onstage. "Now for the finale, we have a guy that tells jokes, umm... comedian!"

 Liam hopped on stage shortly after, "Hi guys!" He waved at us, "I'm a comedian." Puck waved back and I gave him an encouraging smile.

"Okay, jokes..." Liam said into the banana. "What's black and white?"

"What?" Puck asked stretching.

"A Zebra!"


"A Zebra!" Liam repeated.

"Ha, that's funny." Puck said sarcastically. I elbowed him, "Be nice."

"I have another joke!" Liam said, "What has a long neck, and can fly?"


"A giraffe!"

"Bwahahaha!" Puck started laughing like crazy. I don't know if he was trying to make Liam feel good, or if he was trying to be rude, but it sure was annoying.

Liam had a gleeful smile as he walked behind the curtain.

"Thanks for coming guys!" Harry said popping in front of the curtain.

"Hahaha! We'll cum back soon." Puck laughed crazily until I punched his gut.

"Thank you for being a great audience." Niall led us out the backroom.

"Well you guys were wonderful." I said pinching Niall's cheek.

Puck and I sat at a table to give the boys time to clean up, or ate least I hope they were cleaning up. I tried starting a conversation but it led to cum here, and he wouldn't shut up. I rested my head on my elbow and looked at the backroom when Niall caught my eye.

He was jumping up and down and when we locked eyes, he smiled mouthed the words 'call me'

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