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Next day I and Gunjan come to school chatting among yourselves. I had planned to tell Gunjan everything that is happening with me and Arham, after yesterday's kiss I couldn't hold in me any longer.

But today will be my dooms day. I noticed people staring at me differently today, more than laughing they were murmuring something and pointing towards me. Gunjan felt awkward too. But I was confused.

Just then Nooren and her gang come to me and Gunjan, she smirks and folds her arms across her chest.

'I had underestimated you, Fatso' she says simply

I frown not understanding what she means, I simply walk past her

'So how does it feel after that?' she says loudly and I turn around, what is she blabbering about? Feel what? and After what?

Nooren and her gang giggled 'don't act like you are a saint...we all know that yesterday you had been....'they started laughing

I feel my heart twist, what does she mean? I really hope she doesn't mean what I am thinking. But then how will she know Arham and I kissed.

'What do you mean?' I say angrily walking towards her

Nooren flips her hair and smirks 'we all know what you have been up fatso' she says

I frown, seriously not getting anything what this fool is blabbering. Nooren smiles and turns around and left

'Leave her, she is idiot' Gunjan says tugging my arm. When we enter inside our class we receive a huge shock, my fairy tale comes crashing to the ground.

There is huge poster of me kissing Arham, everywhere. But the twist is that the photo has been clicked from such an angle that only my face is seen and only back of Arham's head is seen. My heart shatter into million this can't be happening, it's a nightmare. My gaze falls on the green board where a doodle of me is drawn and around it, are names...dirty names that they have given me.

Something that felt so magical yesterday made me feel disgusted today. I look around, there is no sign of Arham. He must be standing somewhere in the corner and laughing at me. I fell on the floor, tears started to clog my eyes. Everything is over, I feel like my life has been sucked out of me.

My horrors don't seem to end. Professor Dixit enters and looks around, he makes a disgusted face and walks up to me.

Next moment I find myself in Principal's office, my head held low with shame. My Principal is scolding my parents. From corner of my eyes I noticed my father fisting his fingers tightly under the table. I gulp.

Principal hands them my suspension letter, I am suspended for one month. My father stands up

'Sir, give us TC...she won't be studying here' he says, he looks at me with a menacing glare. I shiver with fear.

'Very good, we don't want such students here' Principal responds. Father then storms out of the room, my mother looks at me angrily and leaves too. I cry.

I come out of the room, my mother is waiting outside. With all the accusing gaze piercing me, I felt exposed, I felt naked. I kept crying silently. On my way out of the campus I saw him.

He stands there shamelessly looking at me, I couldn't read his expressions maybe because too many things were going on in my head. I feel angry at him, more than him I am mad at myself for trusting him. He is such a good actor. It was the last time I saw him.

It's so strange isn't it. This guy ruined my life, my relationship with my parents yet he is the only person about whom I think about. I have made an imaginary face of his, how he must be looking now. He must be looking handsome for sure, he had that look when as a teenager. But then why do I think of him? He must have forgotten me; I was nothing for him anyway. He must have married, maybe. Does he think of me like I think of him? I really hope miraculously I find him someday, I just want to ask him why he did what he did to me? I was just a harmless nerdy fatso minding my own business, why did he come in my life? why did he overtake my life? why can't I just I throw him out of my life....?

HEY FATSO! I LOVE YOU (COMPLETED)✔Where stories live. Discover now