You don't understand(11)

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Bianca's POV
"It's up to you babe. You have to tell someone." I told Adore.
"I know, but I can't. I've tried but it just won't come out. Do you know what I mean?" She looked down and I squeezed her hand.
"I do chola, but I'll go with you with you want?" I said reassuringly.
"No, it's okay. I'll do it when I'm ready." She said as she looked up and smiled.
"Okay. I love you chola." I said, pulling her in for a kiss.
"Hey pussy faggots."  I pulled away and turned to face Willam who sat next to me.
"Sup whore?" I said, fully turning my body to face him.
"Bianca? What are you doing tonight?" She asked me out of no where. I turned my head to look Adore. She must have heard us because she scowled at me and turned to talk to Katya and Trixie.
"Nothing why?" I replied, being as blunt as possible.
"Because I want to hang out." She smiled at me sweetly.
"Oh okay why?" I was really confused.
"You'll have to wait." She winked at me and pulled out her phone. I pulled out mine and we sat there on Instagram for about five minutes before she spoke back up.
"Fuck Bianca I can't wait." I snapped my head up and before I could do anything she leaned in and kissed me. I tried to pull away but she was too strong. I ended up giving in and letting her kiss me. The realness of the situation hit me when I opened my eyes to see adore storming of. I pulled away and chased after her.
"Adore wait!" I shouted, holding out my hand expecting her to grab it. She turned round and tears flooded her eyes.
"What Bianca?" She said. The whole cafeteria was looking at us.
"You don't understand, let me explain. It's not what it looks like." I tried to tell her.
"Then was was it like Bianca? Did you get bored of me? Was I not good enough for you? Do you prefer Willam to me?" I was about to reply but before I could I felt her fist on my face.
"You bitch." I said holding my face while looking at her. Rage burned in her eyes and I couldn't stop myself. I didn't realise I said it until it was out. I looked her dead in the eyes,
"Maybe I do prefer Willam." She kicked me back on the floor and wouldn't stop. I felt numb and all I could here was shouting. It all of a sudden stopped. I opened my eyes and adore was sobbing into Michelle's arms as she pulled her away.
"Bianca?" I heard a voice say. It was Mr. Kressley. He held out his hand and I took it. He guided me up by placing a hand on my back. I stood up and began to immediately feel dizzy. I shut my eyes and opened them again, hoping to feel fine. But to my surprise when I opened them, I was lying in the nurses office with Mrs. Visage sitting next to me, feeling worse than I did before.
"How you feeling Bianca?" She said as I looked over to her. I groaned in response and she just smiled at me.
"What happened?" I asked, confused.
"You fainted in the cafeteria. Adore hit you pretty hard, she's feisty." She said. I looked away and a tear fell down my face, stinging the cut on my cheek, right under my eye.
"I didn't mean to kiss her. I'm not a cheater I promise." I said as tears began to fall faster.
"I know baby. Willam admitted she was wrong. Don't worry about it, I'm sure you and Adore will sort things out." She rubbed my hand gently.
"Thanks Visage." I said flashing her a weak smile.
"Okay Bianca I'm going to take you back to your house and stay there until everyone else gets back. Okay?" I nodded as I sat up, holding my stomach in pain. Visage helped me up and let me lean on her for support as we walked back to the house. I unlocked the door and she helped me to the couch. I turned on the to as visage got me water and painkillers and sat with me until the girls came back. Laganja and Alyssa were first, closely followed by Bendelacreme and then Laila about half and hour later who had detention.
Sorry for the shorter chapter, I just needed to update for y'all💕

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