I'll End My Days With You In a Hail of Bullets

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Frank's POV

There was blood and a single gunshot.

Gerard collapsed beside me, some one screamed, maybe it was me.

Another bullet shot, barely grazing my head, I ducked and dragged Gerard's lifeless body behind the counter with me.

"Gerard? Baby you're okay, don't die it's just a bullet wound, you can survive only a stake can kill you right? D-don't leave me." Gerard opened his eyes, he looked down at the bullet whole and swore loudly.

"Oh my, are you two vampires gay? Oh good, double jackpot, you two faggots can burn in hell together ain't that right?" Why did I recognize that voice?

"In case you were wondering why that bullet is hurting so much, it has been soaked in holy water,  had a cross carved into it, and it's also made of silver."

I really didn't know which of those we lost lethal to Gerard, I didn't even know if any of them were.

Gerard was shaking slightly, "Are you okay? Why are you shaking?" He glared at the counter as another bullet ripped through the air and hit a glass behind us.

"I'm angry." He angrily said louder, "How fucking dare you pricks come into our house and shoot the whole place." Did he have to say that

"Aw, is the fag angry?" They were taunting us and Gerard knew it as well as I did but that didn't stop him from answering, "I would love to insult you but I'm afraid I won't do it as well as nature did."

There was a silence then they came into view, they were as tall as Gerard if not taller, masked and staring down at us I was holding Gerard as he was injured.

"Looks like I got a clear shot of you, you fag vampire." Joked the taller one and the shorter one laughed, "That's funny Greg!"

Gerard laughed, "It must me hard using your whole vocabulary in one sentence."

Greg sneered at Gerard and cocked his gun, he pointed it at Gerard's chest, "You should shut your gay-ass mouth," he suddenly pointed the gun to me, "or I'll shoot your boyfriend."

Gerard's eyes flicked from the gun to me, he had fear in his eyes and I was shaking slightly.

The shorter one suddenly pulled me away from Gerard quickly before Gerard could grab me.

"When you go to hell, tell the devil I say hi." Greg pressed the gun to my head and cracked his neck, I couldn't help but tell him one more thing, I would go down sassy like my boyfriend.

"I'd tell you to go to hell but then I'd have to see your ugly face." I quickly grabbed the gun from him and pointed it at him, I surprised myself by doing that, I didn't know I could do that.

"James you idiot!" I knew I recognized the shorter one, he was the oldest Bloodrun, this family was a hell of a lot crazier then I thought.

"Wait, James, like James Bloodrun like a fucking vampire? Why the hell are you trying to kill us?"

James hit Greg on the head, "You are a stupid fuck." So, James was trying to kill me? What was with the Bloodruns trying to kill me, what did I do?

"Ah, you're wondering why we're trying to kill you. I can read minds, it's rather cool." Gerard rolled his eyes, "Okay, then tell me the answer. What did I do wrong?" James laughed, "You know, you told on me, you killed him. You, you ruined a perfect thing."

"You know as much as I do that that would've never worked out. Serius was using you and you know that." James shook his head, "You killed him, tortured him, you are going to hell where you can feel the pain of being burned."

I was so confused, what did that even mean? Who was Serius, what did he do? And what did he mean by he could feel the pain of being burned?

Greg's gun was suddenly at my chest and he pulled the trigger, I felt white hot pain and heard a scream before everything became black.

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