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Gerard's POV

My work was boring as hell. May I take your fucking order? Do you want any fries with that? No, we don't serve that. Of course we have KFC that's the name of the fucking restaurant. I obviously never swore in front of a customer because I'd loose my boring-ass job.

"Hey, Gerard, how are you? Long time now see my dear."

I looked up from the fries, shit, it was Lindsey. I stiffened up and used the most monotone voice I had, "Hullo, may I take your ordering?" She laughed, I hated that fucking laugh. I wanted to use my razor sharp teeth and rip out her neck. She was pretty, smart, and a fucking terrorist. "Well, what are you serving?" She bit her lip and looked my up and down, one fang showing. I handed an order to a customer then jumped over the counter to stand right in front of the other vampire, "Nothing you'd like." I clenched my fist, I'd never ever hit or hurt her, I wasn't that type of guy.

"Are you sure, cuz you're pretty close." She leaned in, a little too close for comfort, I slid away and she almost fell. "I'd rather see what your insides look like, I bet you're not so pretty on the inside." She glared at me and opened her foul mouth, a much welcoming voice answered, "Hey Gee, wanna go out to lunch-who the fuck are you?" I wanted to laugh, Lindsey looked outraged, "I'd ask the same to you." He straightened up and stood up tall, which was only 5'4. "I'm Frank and I believe you're taking up Gerard's lunch time." He grabbed my arm and we walked out past her.

"Who is she?" We walked beneath the black sky, littered with stars and one crescent moon. I grimaced, "She's my ex-girlfriend. She's been trying to get back together with me. That's not going to happen though, I told her I was gay." I smiled, "Where to go for lunch? I'm feeling like burgers." I nodded, "Okay." We went to a burger joint and both ordered veggie burgers with some bomb-ass fries.

"Okay, so, I'm betting you don't want to talk about this. But I'm always here for you if you want me to tell about your dream or anything really." He smiled. "Thanks, I actually do want to talk about it."

"Basically, my mum was angry when I broke up with me ex because I told her I was gay. I waited till I was seventeen for a reason, so if she kicked me out, I could legally move out."

"Shit, I'm sorry. I live with Mikey out in the forest, most people aren't too happy to see my lot. I was almost killed once when a hunter found our old house. We had to fight them off without killing or turning them, which was hard but we eventually scared them away. Mikey still has nightmares about that and comes into my room at night sometimes. I don't mind, he's my baby brother."

"I'm not a baby, I'm twenty-two thousand years old." Mikey and Ray were standing next to our table holding hands. "Why are you two here?" Frank asked "I work here." I forgot Mikey worked here
"Hey, then could you get us a discount?" I smiled at him in what I hope was a winning smile.

He rolled his eyes and groaned before saying, "Uhg, you're such a fucking pain. Yeah sure, half price, my shift just started." He kissed Ray and went to the kitchen. Ew.

"Mind if I uh, hang with you two for a bit? My uber is gonna be here in a few minutes." Frank nodded, "Of course." He moved closer to me on the booth, our knees were touching, hallelujah.

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