Teenagers Scare the Living Shit out of My Boyfriend

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Frank's POV

"Frank, we need to turn around um like right now." I looked up at Gerard in question, "Why? We've only just started walking." He shook his head and pulled me away down to a different neighborhood, "Explain yourself Gee!"

I stopped walking, forcing Gerard to as well. He blushed slightly and shuffled his feet, looking down at them, "Teenagers scare the living shit out of me." I was going to laugh but he looked dead serious, "You're not fucking with me, right? You, vampire, blood sucking and shit, are scared of teens?" He nodded, "And needles." I shook my head and chuckled, "Sorry, but it's sorta funny."

He pouted, "No it's not. What kinda shit are you afraid of?"
"I'm not afraid of anything." He rolled his eyes and continued walking, dragging me along.

"Why are you afraid of Them?"
"Drop it Frankie, I don't want to talk about it." I could tell he was embarrassed to tell me by the coloring in his cheeks. I'd have to ask Mikey about that later.

"Don't ask Mikey." Gerard read my mind, "Then tell me!" He sighed, "Mikey was um.. attacked by teenagers when they found out he wasn't human. They even went so far as to um... well they tried to stone him to death. And they were close to if I hadn't stepped in and saved him. What if I hadn't been there?" I stopped walking and took both of Gerard's hands, "It doesn't matter, you were there and you saved your brother. Don't think about what could've happened, think about what did happen." He smiled let go of one of my hands before continuing walking.

"Is Mikey afraid of teenagers?" Gerard shook his head. "No, but he has nightmares about it, that's why he would come into my room and sleep on the ground." He smiled slightly and sighed, "Want to go and get some ice cream?" I smiled and laughed, "It's cold out side!" He looked offended and said in a mock offended voice, "I don't need people in my life who don't eat ice cream if it's cold out side!" We both laughed and I told him that ice cream sounded good, "Should we ask Mikey and Ray if they'd like to join us for ice cream on Halloween?" He nodded, "Why not? I'll text Mikey and ask."

"No need brother, I'm already here." We looked behind us and they were walking behind us, "How long have you been there?"
"Only a few minutes. I'm kidding, we just found you." Gerard rolled his eyes, that was sassy and sexy as fuck. "What ever, there's a coldstone a few blocks down." We walked in a comfortable silence.

"So Frank, do you like comics?" "Hell yeah! They're fucking amazing!" Gerard smiled and looked at Mikey, Gerard's eyes widened and he shook his head furiously, "Gerard draws comics." Gerard glared at his brother and he smirked. "Whoa! What are they like? Can I read them!?" Gerard sighed, "Yeah, maybe." I noticed how uncomfortable Gerard was so I changed the subject, "What's your favorite ice cream flavor?" Gerard silently thanked me through his light brown eyes.

"Mint chocolate chip."
"No way! Same here." We smiled. "So what's yours, Mikey?" Mikey shrugged, "Cookie dough is good."
"I like chocolate fudge." Ray piped up. "Oh that's super good! Especially when there's chunks of fudge in it!" Ray smiled and nodded, his awesome fro shaking slightly.

"We're here." Coldstone was in view it was open even though it was eleven pm.

After ice cream it was eleven thirty and we were talking about where to get lunch. "Subway is good." Suggested Mikey "Do they have salad? I'm vegetarian." "Probably Frank, but there is also Sheris. They're open 24 hours and I don't think Subway is." Ray said "Okay and also McDonald's is open until like three." I commented, "They have salads." I said squeezing Frank's hand, he smiled up at me as we walked back to Ray's car.

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