Get the Gang Together

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Gerard's POV

I made a 'miraculous' recovery two days later, I went back to work the following Monday. Frank had decided to start working longer shifts, trying to get more money and he was looking for a new job because his old job was low pay and the manager was a creep.

"I'm thinking of trying to find a new job as well. I hate working at this fast food place, I want to work at and actual restaurant or maybe me a comic artist."

"We should get a job together."

"I don't think I'd get much work done, I'd be to busy checking out your ass." Frank turned a dark shade of red. We were standing in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil so we could have spaghetti, "You're making me blush!" I chuckled, "You look so cute when you're flustered and blushing." I leaned down and captured his lips with mine, running my hands through his hair as he grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you." I mumbled into his mouth, he took that opportunity to slide his tongue into my open mouth. "I love you too." He whispered as he broke our kiss, looking into the pot and seeing the water was now bubbling, he poured in the long strands of spaghetti into the pot.

"Ya know, never in my 20something years did I ever think that I'd be making pasta with a vampire who was my boyfriend." I smiled as I stirred the pot, "Never in my thousands of years did I think that I'd be making Saturday lunch with my boyfriend who's a human." He smiled and kissed me again, it was short but just as good as the previous kiss.

"I'm gonna heat up the bread." Frank let go of my waist and went to the pantry, for the French bread we had made after breakfast which was scones that we had also made, we were on a baking spree, well Frank was, I was just helping him, well, when I say helping i meant checking him out and getting flour everywhere.

"We should make rolls! I love rolls!"

"You already have enough." I poked Frank's stomach and he slapped me, "haha so do you!" We both burst into giggles as the doorbell rang, "I'll get it." I insisted as he made a move to the door, "Okay." I slapped his ass as I walked past him, "Fuck me." I saw that flour was everywhere, even on his cute little nose. I turned around, "Was that an invitation?" I smiled as I walked out of the kitchen to the living room.

"What took you so long?" Ray and Mikey were standing outside in the cold and rain. "Sorry, we were uh cooking..."

They exchanged looks, "We didn't uh interrupt anything did we?" "Ew, gross! Ray I didn't need to think of that, god." Mikey shoved Ray into our house past me. "Uh no come right in." I muttered as they pushed pass me, "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door? FRANK! Mikey and Ray are here."

"Why are they here?"

"We smelled the baking and came running. Why do you think, we think we found out who Miss Jackson is."

"Who's the son-of-a-bitch who fucked with my brother?" I asked,  we were all sitting at our dining room table, eating spaghetti.

"Her name is Harley... Bloodrun."

"What? I didn't know they had another daughter..." I was really confused and Frank was too.

"How? How is it possible? They only have one daughter and two sons, Dean, James and Rory. And they are vampires too. So how is this possible?" I questioned Mikey.

"And how do you know?" Frank questioned from beside me.

"Look, does it matter? We know who it was, we need to do something about it!" Ray was right but I was still curious to how they figured that out, but at the moment we just needed to figure out why."

I nodded, "What do remember from being attacked Gee?" Mikey asked, "I removed there was like this clique or um gang and they had a leader who was called 'Miss Jackson' or at least I think that that's what they said. What about you Mikey? What do you remember?"

"I remember the same, they told me they'd been hunting us down for a while and had finally got us where they wanted us."

"How many were there?"

"Around five, maybe six, possibly seven." I rolled my eyes at him, "Well you're no help Mikey, when they found me there were five, two boys and three girls, the tallest one was a girl in the middle, Harley I guess."

"What did she look like?"

"She's got to black eyes from eye shadow and blonde hair with pink tips. She was fairly pretty but she had a nasty look about her face, like she was about to murder someone." Frank rolled his eyes, "You're such a drama queen, though to be fair she was about to murder someone, well, at least try."

"Exactly, she's a murderer."

"Attempted murderer."

"Guys, can we just focus on finding out why she tried to kill us? Thank you. Okay, so how are we supposed to know where she'll be next? We need to get her to the police." Gerard and Mikey rolled their eyes at Ray, "Dude, if she's a vampire she can just break out of there easily."

"Except I'm not a vampire. I'm a human and pure about to be dead."

We all friend around, Harley and her gang were in our house, our fucking house. "Get the fuck out of my house or god fucking help me I will tear you to fucking shreds you piece of utterly useless shit." Frank spat out at them, I was taken aback at how violent that sounded god, I loved my boyfriend.

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