How He Met Me

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Frank's POV

Gerard considered the question for a few seconds, still chewing some popcorn. He cleared his throat and a light blush appeared in his pale cheeks.

"Well, I first met you when I went to Albertsons about a year ago, I was looking down at my phone and I ran into you. I looked up to apologize but then I saw your face and it took my breath away. Your hazel eyes, your smile and the tattoos and lip ring. It was enough to make my heart skip a few beats. You looked up and I couldn't help but smile and blush, I felt my cheeks burn like the sun was hitting them." I saw that his blush had become even more prominent in the dim light.

"Yeah? What then?" He considered the question, "Well uh, I started to um follow you about, seeing what you liked to do. You liked to map the stars, you loved horror movies you liked to go on strolls when you didn't have work and weren't mapping the stars." I felt my own cheeks burning slightly from that. I hit him with a pillow, "You are such a creep!" I laughed as he hit me back.

"So, then what?" He shrugged, "You know the rest, I'd walk with you in the shadows. Then I finally got the courage to show you that I was there sometimes. Then I took your hand, I talked to you and I fell for you."

I smiled, "You were such a little creep!" He laughed and hit me with a pillow, "Whatever." He turned and kissed my nose lightly and I laughed and kissed his soft lips.

Then he poked me in the stomach and I laughed, "No, don't!" He laughed, "Oh, are you ticklish? Are you? Huh baby?" He started tickling me and I laughed so hard I fell off the couch, he fell off too.

"Ah Gerard! You're crunching my small fragile organs!" He rolled off me and then picked me up and dumped me on the couch and kissed me. "I love you." He whispered in my ear.

I shoved him off me, "You're gonna make me hard!"
"Okay okay fine."

"Anyhow it is getting kind of late, we should go to bed before the sun rises completely." I nodded, I was getting tired and I needed sleep.

We both got up and went to our room, yawning. I stripped down to my boxers and slid on a thin t-shirt and Gerard did too.

"I love you Gerard." I whispered to my beautiful boyfriend, he smiled as we got in bed, he pulled me closer to him, "I love you too, Frank." He shifted so that we were spooning and i nestled my face into the crook of his neck breathing in deeply, the sent of him making me smile.

"Goodnight love." He whispered, "Goodnight babe." I whispered back.

I tried to sleep but I was suddenly awake. I felt like I'd never fall asleep, I had these nights or days, every once in a while.

I calmly breathed in Gerard's scent, making me feel relaxed and tired. I nestled closer to him and closed my eyes.

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