Vampires Will Never Hurt You

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Frank's POV

Gerard left Ray and I at the park but we didn't mind, we were mostly afraid of what would happen to Mikey.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" I shrugged my shoulders sadly, "I really don't know, Ray. I'm sure he will, Gee will get him help and he'll be totally fine, okay? Don't worry." I took his hand and squeezed it, "Wanna stay at my house and we can watch tv and eat have some dinner? It'll be light soon." Ray agreed and we started to walk home, I texted Gerard so he knew where we were going.

When Ray and I got to my house I tended to his bruises that he had received, then we watched a few horror movies and ate snacks. "Do you think Mikey will be okay? I'm so worried." I felt so bad for Ray, "I really don't know, but I'm worried too."

Gerard texted me at 11:00am,

He'll be okay, they only punctured his right lung so he'll heal in a week or so. I'll explain tomorrow. You should sleep.

"Mikey will be okay!" Ray broke into a smile,  "Oh thank God he's okay!"

Okay, goodnight, I'll see you soon I hope.

Ray decided to stay at my house for the night incase there was news from Gerard about Mikey.

"I guess vampires only die when a stake is run through their heart. How weird." I nodded, it was kinda strange but I was too tired to care at the moment.

"Here, you can sleep in my room and I'll sleep out here on the couch. Don't object, I also have some clothes you can borrow, do you want to shower?"

Ray ended up showering and going to bed right away. While he was showering I had stripped my bed and fitted it with new sheets.

I was up till 1:00 but the sun was getting so bright that I decided to go to bed before I had to get up for work, I had work on Sundays, how unCatholic of me.

I showered and went to bed and fell asleep into a restless sleep full of bad dreams.

[Frank's Dream]

Gerard and I were walking down a road to a garden, Gerard had a surprise for me there, I was excited.

"Okay, we're almost there, keep your eyes closed and I'll guide you." I closed my eyes and followed his melodic voice and he took my hand.

"Gerard where are we going?" I giggled, I could almost hear his smirk, "A garden, I have a surprise for you!" I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it, "What's the surprise? Is it a dog? Oh my god I want a dog so bad!" Gerard laughed, "No, it's not but I'll remember that." I sighed, I just wanted to get there and see what Gerard had done.

Suddenly someone roughly pushed me to the ground, "Ow, what the hell?" I opened my eyes and saw that Gerard was being held back by two people with hoods over their faces, "Who the fuck are you? Get off my boyfriend, get off me!" I struggled to get away but to other hooded figures held me back as well.

"Stop! That's my boyfriend! Mum, please!" I was shocked, 'mum' "This is your family? What are they doing? Let me go!" I elbowed in of them below the belt and bingo, they were male.

"Come on Gee! We need to help Mikey! Please, what's happening!" NO!" Things we're going to fast, a stake was driven through Gerard's heart, he screamed in pain, I was being chased and pinned down, one of them swooped down at me and all I could see were razor white teeth ripping into my skin; I screamed.

"Frank! Wake up!" I was woken up by a gentle hand shaking me. "Frank, it's okay it was just a bad dream!" I was shaking, "Wh-what hap-pened?" Ray shrugged nervously, "All I know was that I came down for water and you were screaming."

I sat up and rubbed my face, and the sleep from my eyes, "What time is it Frank?" I checked my phone just as it lit up by a text, "5:30 Gee texted me..." Ray looked at me expectantly, "Well, my boyfriend?" I unlocked my phone and read the text,

He'll be fine, his lung is already healing and should be done in a day or so. He'll be up and around in no time. Can I swing by?

I read it aloud to Ray, he sighed in relief, "I'm glad he'll be okay, fuck I was petrified." I nodded and answered Gerard,

Thank god, of course you can come by.

Good cause I'm out side your window.

Gerard came down the stairs a few seconds afterwards, I went to him and buried my face in his shoulder and started to cry, "Are you okay baby?" He sounded exhausted, "I had a dream that you were killed by v-vampires and then they killed me too."

He held me close, "I'll never let them hurt you, I promise."

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