Forbidden Forest

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Frank's POV

When Gerard fell asleep on me I gently slipped from underneath his head, replacing my lap for a pillow.

"I need to clean my house. You can go back to sleep, you've had a long night." Ray looked at me in concern, "Well, so have you, you're the one who had a nightmare, even if you did get more sleep, it wasn't restful."

I shrugged and went to work, dusting and sweeping. He sighed and went upstairs to my room, I had a lot to do, shopping, laundry, sweeping and mopping, vacuuming which I would have to do that after my two guests wake up.

I swept and mopped quickly and started gathering all my clothes scattered across my house and occasionally some of Gerard's for some reason.

I left a note saying I went to a grocery store. I bought a lot of food and one package of meat incase Gerard decided to stay at my house for a while.

"Mornin Frank! Meat huh? Guest? Thought so, girlfriend? Oh! Sorry uh, my bad." I smiled as he corrected himself and didn't glare at me for being a sinner or something.

"You're gay? Dude, God hates gays didn't you know? You're going to burn in hell, tell the devil I said hi."

The cashier glared at the man behind me who had commented rudely but I faced him, "Listen here you fucking punk; being gay doesn't mean I'm going to hell, God doesn't hate gays, he hates your fucking posters and words you're sprouting from that big mouth of yours so why don't you tell the devil I said hi and that I'm apparently right behind you." I retorted, my voice growing a bit louder.

"Pft, you don't know shit about God you faggot."

"I went to Catholic school you prick."

"So? Uh like Catholics hate gays right? How can you be Catholic and gay!"

"God doesn't hate gays, the only things he could hate is your hurtful words and actions against him and his followers so shut the FUCK up and go fuck yourself you lonely ass."

I grabbed my bags and left the store, trying to calm myself so I didn't drive angry.

I pulled into my garage and entered my house, Ray was sitting at the end of the couch while Gerard was still sleeping and he was playing on my x-box.

"Do you want lunch? It's midnight well, it's almost one but that's in fifteen minutes."

Ray smiled and got up, turning off the tv and following me into the kitchen.

"So I bought some meat... in a vegetarian but you and Gee can have some." I smiled led but I felt slightly bad at the thought that a cow had been slaughtered for this food.

"Wow, thanks! Gerard and Mikey are trying to eat vegetables more often and Gerard is trying to eat less meat. It's all done for you. He must really like you."

I blushed furiously and went back to the groceries and started to put away the food that I wasn't going to use for our late lunch.

"I can wake up Gerard, do you want to start making sandwiches?" He nodded and I went to the couch, "Hey, Gee. Do you want to eat now?" I lightly shook him and he opened his eyes, "Noooooo, I'm tired... what time is it?"
"It's almost 1:00am, I made you a meat sandwich." He sighed and got up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Did you get that meat just for Ray and I?" I nodded, he broke into a smile and hugged me then kissed me on the nose, "Any news about Mikey?" As if on cue, his phone rang.

"Hullo? He is? Thank God. Fifteen minutes? Okay, thank you." He hung up and stretched, "I'm hungry let's eat then we can go visit Mikey."

After lunch, which consisted of peanut butter sandwiches, we followed Gerard to the woods, the town forbade anyone to enter the woods as vampires lived there. "Uh, we'll be safe, right?"

"Of course, you're with me. No harm will befall you." He took my hand and Ray followed us as we entered the forest.

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