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Gerard's POV

We guided Harley and her gang through the forest to the small town in the middle of it.

"Please, I don't want to go back, they'll chain me up and never let me go!" I rolled my eyes, I knew the Bloodruns rather well and they had never shown any urges to violence; sure they were half terrified half angry at the human race but they'd never harmed one.

"What are you thinking about?" Frank slide is hand into mine, a perfect fit. "Just thinking about the Bloodruns," he nodded and stared up at the stars through the branches of trees.

"I've always loved the stars." He commented, "I know, I loved to watch you chart them. You always  looked so peaceful and happy when you did that." He blushed and looked back at me, "Oh my god you guys just get a room and let us leave." Harley said in an condensing voice to us, "Oh wouldn't you love that?" I said in a snarky voice as she glared at us.

"The Bloodruns wouldn't ever hurt anyone unless it was really necessary, especially because you are their family. Family sticks together."

"You don't know shit Way, any and every trespasser is dead to them, I left the family and tried to
kill vampires I succeeded twice."

"And now we have proof." Said Frank sneering at her and holding us his phone.

"Why the fuck would you record that? I'm seriously fucking dead if they find out!" She panicked wringing her hands as she walked.

"I'm dead if you show him that. They'll hang me, which won't kill me but it's so painful! They might use a silver blade and cut me."

I knew that these were painful torture devices, I'd gone through a few myself from dating a human, she wasn't even 'the one', Frank was, obviously.

"I'm sorry, I know the torture, I myself have gone through some but you need to be taught a lesson."

"You don't know! You've never been tortured!"

"Yes I have! Have you?" She looked shook, "Wait, you have?" I nodded and sniffed, "10th grade, I found a silver knife and kept it, used it on a bully and seriously injured him. I was tortured for three days. Then Mikey and myself left."

"I thought you said the Bloodruns wouldn't ever harm anyone!" Frank hugged my arm, looking up at me in pity for my pain.

"I said unless it was necessary. Which I guess it was.m, to prove a point."

Frank sadly looked at me as we walked up to the village, the trees bent in the form of a rounded door.

We entered to village and Harley groaned, "I'm in a lot of trouble
I nodded, "No shit kid." We marched right up to the center of Bloodrun, right up to the front door of the familys' house and knocked.

"Great, no going back now." Harley and her gang all shifted uncomfortably where they stood, 'good, they deserve what's coming for trying to kill my baby brother.' I knew that was rather a mean thing to say, but I didn't give a shit.

The large oak double doors opened as if by magic or, most likely, by two servants.

"Ah, Gerard, Mikey, and these, these must be your boyfriends? Franklin and Raymond I believe,am I right?" I nodded, not asking how he, Leon Bloodrun, knew, he was the founder of this place, he knew all that happened in it.

"You're okay with us having boyfriends?" Mikey questioned, he laughed, "Of course, love is not a choice. Though, I was hoping you would have children, maybe my sons will have some, unless you are also gay?" He turned to his sons who appeared behind him, they shook their heads, "No, I'm straight."
"Same." Dean confirmed, smiling, almost nervously but I pretended not to notice, though I did wink at him.

"Well, why have y-... Harley, how are you.. you're alive!" He crouched down and hugged Harley, she looked shocked, but awkwardly hugged him back.

"We thought you were dead, where were you? It's been five years!" She shrugged, regaining her air of 'Im better than all of you'. "

"I've been living in the forest."

"By yourself?"

"With us!" Linda piped up, rather bravely as she was figuratively tied up.

Leon raised an eyebrow at her, she nervously gulped, "I'm uh uh L-Linda, that's Miles, Barry and Bagonia."
"I don't remember asking." Leon sassed back at her, she gulped, I laughed silently.

"So, you started a gang and lived in the forest? What did you and your uh friends..? do?"

"They hunt vampires. They are
The reason Mikey and I landed in the hospital." I jumped in before Harley could say anything.

Leon stood there, with James and Dean beside him, shell shocked, "What? You're a vampire slayer? Like you kill vampires?"

Harley swore, "So its true." Leon glared at her and straightened up
"You are no daughter of mine." He took James and Deans hand "Follow me, you're gonna get what you deserve."
"The ending of my life?"
"No, torture. You're behind the murder of a few other vampires, aren't you?"

She smirked, "Yes, and I'm proud of it. I've rid the world of five vampires." Leon hissed at her, "You're gonna be in hell, ask Gerard."

I tried to hide a shiver as we walked down to the basement where the torture room was, I had bad memories of this place. "Do you remember this place, Gerard?" I nodded, "Unfortunately I remember it quite well." I shuddered as we entered the room. "Must I be here or can I leave?"

Leon looked at me, "Of course, you call can leave but you may stay for dinner if you wish, we are having Asian." He winked and I couldn't help but laugh, Frank looked slightly horrified as if he thought that he was talking about a real human, he was.

"Uh no thanks, I'm vegetarian, but thanks for the offer."

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