Chapter 12

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The moment my eyes closed I was back in the world I knew so well, the world of dreams. I stood, alone, waiting for the guy I thought I knew. I was only here for one reason. One simple reason, then I would be gone. Nothing else.

My legs shook and my heart raced. This is only a memory but, as always, it feels so real.

He steps out of the fog, as he approaches I step back. He looks down at me and gently puts his hand to my face, "Calynn. Calynn Imperium. I never thought I would see you again." His eyes are sad. His bright blue eyes. I hug him quickly before pulling away. He looks down at himself, discussed. "I don't have long before he takes over. I just wanted to say good bye."

My eyes fill with tears and I try to hold them back.

"I don't think I'll see you again. But I'm doing this for you." He smiled and the scar across his face becomes fully visible. "I love you Calynn. I always will."

I look up at the boy who meant the world to me, "I wish I could say the same."

He shakes his head, "I know you're upset. I know I did wrong. But there is no stopping him."

"You can fight. You can do everything in your power to stop what you have  created. It's only when you do that, then I'll be proud to call you family."

He takes a step back, "Family?"

"Family, Luke. You promised." I remind him.

He looks hurt. As if I had just beat him up. "Calynn. I'm sorry." He pulls me into a hug. "I didn't want it to end like this."

"Well it might. Because of you. So go and fight for me. Go fight for her."

He looked down at me one last time, "I will. I'm going to make things right."

I willed the dream to stop, to freeze, I didn't like having to see the end of that memory. To painful. I will my dream to change. 

I'm next sitting next to my mother, she smiles down at me. "You know what Calynn, I think I'd like to live outside. No busy people, no noisy cars, no bright streetlights. Just you and me and the stars."

I look up at her, "Could we have a bathroom? I don't want to poop outside."

She laughs and holds me close. "That, my darling, is a marvelous idea."

"And maybe a bed?"

"What about sleeping bags?"

"We can keep them in our house." I say matter of factly.

She laughs again, "You've got everything under control."

I nod as the memory fades away and I am left standing in a clearing filled with mist. A figure steps out of the fog, he wore a shimmering cloak that covered his entire body. He nodded at me, "Calynn, My apologies for interrupting that lovely dream of yours."

I stare back at him.

He looks me in the eye, "I'm so sorry, about your mother."

"My mom?"

He nods, "She searched for you, but she's gone now."



I feel empty, I haven't seen her in years. I held on to the non existent belief that she was still, somehow, holding on, waiting for me to come home. "Where is she?"

He smiled, "She is with me. She is safe."

"She isn't yours to take!"

"Her mind is fragile Calynn, when you are ready she will wake. But for now, my darling Beatrice will stay asleep."

I sense that there is nothing I can do about it, "Keep her safe." I say, "And, father, if you would claim me, that would be great."

He smiles sleepily, "Of course." He waves his hand and I wake up in bed.

Cecil l stands at the end of my bed, looking shocked. I sit up, "You okay?"

"You. You just appeared. In your bed."

"I did?"


"Fun." I say, getting up. He still looks shocked, "That doesn't bother you?"

I shrug, "Nah, not really. I've seen magic before."

He sits down on the edge of the bed, "You have?"

I take my place beside him, "Of course, in a world of gods and monsters... why wouldn't there be magic?"

"I... I dunno. I never really thought about it." He grins at me. "You've been gone for thirty two hours you know."


"Yesterday Felix came down and told us you had disappeared. Everyone's searching for you."

"Except you?"

"I... I slept in. I always mess stuff up."

"Well, you did find me." I point out.

Cecil smiles, "I was just in the right place at the right time."

I shake head, "It was fate, my friend, fate."

He shrugs, "Maybe..."

"I'm sure he'll be alright."


"Alix. Your snake."

He leaned away from me, "How do you... Calynn, don't read my mind."

"Sorry. It's a habit."

"One you need to break."

I'm about to respond when I hear a cough. I turn to see the Stoll brothers in the doorway of the cabin.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here?" Travis says in a mocking tone, "The two little lovebirds, all alone together." "That's against the rules, Calynn, you know that." Connor says, in the same mocking tone. I can sense Cecil's embarrassment. I sneak a glance at him and his face is bright red. I take a step forward, "Both of you stop it."

"Why?" Connor asks innocently, "She doesn't want her friends to know about her secret relationship?" "Or," Travis says, "Is there more?"

I'm in front of them now, "I am not in the mood. So shut it."

Connor laughs, but his older brother starts to hesitate, "Calynn, we aren't scared of you."

"Oh really?"

He nods.

"Well then, Connor. You. Should. Be." I smile before walking past them, I have to find Sybil and Felix.

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