Chapter 7

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A girl named Tricia spreads out a blanket, she's been at camp for a few years now, I remember when she gave me my first tour of camp with Luke. She was always nice to me, and everyone else, but she's still a quiet girl. She's unclaimed so she stays in the Hermes cabin, but she's bound to get claimed soon. Her hair is dyed bright pink and she likes cats, that's all I know about her.

I smile at her and join her on the blanket, "Thanks." I say.

She smiles back, "No problem." Then she opens her notebook and seems to fade away into another world, her pencil scratching away.

I sit in silence until the others arrive. And soon they do, Sybil and Felix, Connor, Travis and Cecil, and a few others. Other cabins can fit on one of two blankets, not us. Cabin eleven needs five or six minimum, but we gain blanket space almost every day, with campers getting claimed.

Cecil sits next to me, his goofy grin smiles at me, "Hey." He says casually.

"Hi." I reply.

He seems anxious. His eyes keep drifting to right above my head. Something's about to happen. I smile and play along, talking. He looks relieved, as if he needed to keep me busy. Of course he did. I try to reach out my senses and send a silent message to the boy standing behind me. I count to three, then turn, "Travis, I thought I told you. You can't prank me, I'm much to smart." I smile innocently up at the stunned son of Hermes, "Now I do believe someone has won a bet, so why don't you pay up."

Travis shoves a hand in his pocket and hands two drachma to a stunned looking Cecil, then Travis turns and returns to his place next to his brother. I smile to myself as I turn back around. 

"How did you know?" Cecil asks, staring at the coin in his hand.

I shrug, "One of my many talents."

He laughs, over the past few days we've become friends so I don't feel bad about telling him, "You see, I can read minds."

He snorts, "Really?" he asks, disbelieving.

I nod, "Oh yes." I can tell he doesn't believe me, but that's his problem not mine.

From the other side of me a voice says, "She's not lying." I look over to see Tricia, still drawing in her book, but apparently fully aware of the world around her.

I smile at her, and Cecil shoots me a confused look, "That's Tricia," I say, "She's unclaimed, and she likes cats."

He looks even more confused, I laugh.

As we wait for the camp fire to start I notice Felix looking worried, he sits between Sybil and Connor, who are trying hard to ignore each other's existence. I sigh and wave Felix over, he looks relieved as he slides into place next to me. "Thanks Cally."

I smile and ruffle his hair, "No problemo."

He smiles back at me and leans against my arm. After a while he seems to realize Cecil, "You're the new guy? Cecil, right?"

Cecil nods, "Um, yeah."

"I'm Felix, Sybil's little brother."

"Can Calynn read minds?"

"Yeah!" He replies enthusiastically, snuggling against me.

Cecil crosses his arms, "Prove it."

"You think that I won't be able to." I say without hesitation.

"That's not fair, I was thinking about what to think of." Cecil protests.

I shrug, "Makes no difference to me."

"Okay, ready." 

"Hotdogs," I say with a smile, "Now cheeseburgers, oh wait ice cream, Felix's hair, my nose. That good enough?"

He looks almost scared, "Woah." he whispers.

I smile, but some part of me feels guilty, I probably just scared off the only new friend I would ever make.

@dweeb_lord sorry about your sweater *casually sips chocolate milk* i hope it's still alive, blood and all '-'

also her godly parent is either hypnos or nemesis!!!!!!

this has exactly 666 words

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