Chapter 6

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I stepped into the cabin to find Sybil sitting on my bed, I walk over to her, "Hey Sibs."

She glares at me, "Don't call me that."

I smile, "Sybil this is Cecil, Cecil this is Sybil."

They study each other warily, "You're the girl who slapped the Stolls?" He asks.

Sybil nods, "Gotta problem with that?" She growls, her eyes narrowing.

"Nah," Cecil grins, "I think it's cool."

Sybil raises one eyebrow, "Thank you." She grins and stands, "Well, I'm off." She leaves, then sticks her head back in, "J 28, Travis left some stuff for you." Then she's gone.

Cecil turns to me, "J 28?"

"It's how we organize where new arrivals sleep." I lead him to a patch of floor and unroll the sleeping bag, "Voila!" I say, "Your new bed."

Cecil snorts, then seems to realize that I'm serious. "Really?"

I nod and sit down on his sleeping bag, he sits next to me, "Why can't I sleep in one of the other cabins? Like the big white one?" 

"Each cabin is for a different god or goddess's children, no one else, you can hang out here, but not live there or sleep..."

"How do you know who your godly parent is?"

"You get claimed."

"Oh, right. Connor mentioned that."

I nod, "This is for you," I hand him the bag of toiletries and clothes. "From Travis."

He takes it and looks inside, "Do they do this for all new people?"

"No, your special." I say sarcastically.

Cecil smirks.

"You should be thankful," I remind him, "he took the time out of his day to get that for you."

"How did he get it?"

"Stole it, probably."


I glance at Cecil, his big brown eyes are full of excitement, "You're full of questions." I note.

He grins, "I am?"

* * *

I lead Cecil to our table and tap the Stoll's on their shoulder, "Merry christmas, I brought you a brother." I say flatly as Cecil squeezes in between them, I take my place beside Sybil and Felix. Travis looks at me as I take a bite of my meal, "How did it go?"

"Good." I say.

"Great." He grins at Connor, "In that case, you can show him the ropes for capture the flag, and hang with him at the camp fire."

I grit my teeth, "Fine."

Cecil looks alarmed, "I'm okay... If Calynn doesn't want to... I can, like, go find-"

"No, Cecil, it's cool," Connor says cutting the boy off, "Callie just doesn't like being told what to do."

"Especially by us." Travis adds.

I smile, "Got that right."

Cecil relaxes, "Cool."

From across the table Sybil raises her head from her plate, "Did someone say my name?" We all shake our heads, "Okay, never mind." As she focuses her attention back on her food, Travis leans into Cecil's ear and whispers, "That was a rare spotting of the wild Sybil. It's quite unusual to see her this calm." 

Cecil smiles, but his grin fades as Sybil looks up once more, "Travis, do you want your cheeks to match?"

He shakes his head and leans away from her.

Sybil flashes her stunning grin, "Didn't think so."

* * *

As Connor fixes Cecil's armour, Travis pulls me aside, "Why doesn't he have a weapon?"

I shrug, "He said he didn't want one. Don't know why."


We stand in silence for a few moments, "Is Connor okay?" I ask suddenly.

Travis looks at me, "Yeah. He was just surprised last night."

* * *

We wait in the shadows as the game begins, Cecil stands beside me, "So... This is safe?"


"And we can, like, hurt people?"

"You're encouraged to."


I smile, "But your with me tonight, it'll be fine."

He smiles, "Okay."

I look up at him, he looks uncomfortable in him battle armor, "Why didn't you want a weapon?" I ask suddenly.

Cecil looks up sheepishly, "I'm still new to this whole demi-god thing. I... I just need some time."

I pat his shoulder, "That's just fine, but it's something more, isn't it?"

He looks startled, he shifts from foot to foot, "Well... I... I'm a bit of a clutz... and..."

"I haven't seen you fall yet." I comment.

"No... I mess stuff up... a lot of stuff." He still looks unhappy.

"Oh yeah? What sorta stuff?"

He looks down at his feet, "Important stuff."

I wait for him to continue, but he stays silent. I take a breath, "We all have our faults."

"Is that so?"

I nod.

"Then what's yours?"

I don't answer for a full minute, then Cecil laughs, "So everyone else has faults, but your perfect?"

I can't help it, a small smile creeps onto my face. "Yes." He smiles at me, then we burst into laughter.

Not Apollo, not Artemis... Who is her godly parent? 

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