Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

"As I was saying this is turn, has given rise to the belief...that there are no dwarf women." Gimli said

He then extended his arm as if to make an explosion.

"And that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground which is, of course ridiculous." He said

The horse the two dwarves were riding on neighed and took off making them both fly off. Gimli landing on top of Reann who grunted.

"I blame you for this oh get your foot out my back." She groaned

"Its alright nobody panic." Gimli said trying to get up

It only ended up to him tripping and falling on Reann again. She got out from under him helping him up.

"You're clumsier than Pippin Gimli." She said

"No one is clumsier than that hobbit." He chuckled

Minutes later shouting was then heard. There was a Warg attack on them.

"All riders to the head of the column." Théoden ordered

Reann got help onto a horse with Aragorn. They rode ahead to the front and there they seen a group of orcs on Wargs.

"Last time I was in battle with Wargs I almost died." Reann said

"Well lets hope history does not repeat itself." Aragorn told her

They soon clashed and Reann jumped off the horse rolling and slicing a Warg head off. The orc falling off growling.

"This is going to be fun." She said

The orc ran towards her sword in the air clashing against her swords. This one was a little strong so he made her fall back. He raised his sword ready to stab her. In one swift movement she rolled away jumping up and stabbing him dead.

She heard Gimli not to far away along with Legolas who also joined their little game not to long ago.

"How many have you killed so far?" She shouted towards Gimli

"Six so far and yourself?"

"Three." She replied

She heard Gimli laugh to himself. Two Wargs with orcs on them came charging towards him. She killed the Wargs first and then the orcs. She smirked towards Gimli who growled and ran another direction. That was until an arrow flew into her stomach causing her to gasp. She looked to see an orc grinning at her. Dropping her swords she stumbled back and fell off a ledge. Hitting her head, and sides falling in a stream.

Not too far behind her Aragorn follows along with a Warg. She tried to keep her eyes open but couldn't. As she floated down the river next to Aragorn her pulse was going and she was in pain. She then opened her eyes breathing heavily and coughing up blood.

"I...can't do....this please just take me." She begged

A voice was then whispering in her ear she knew it from anywhere.

"You must continue amralime, you must continue and fight." The voice whispered

"Kili...Kili my love I can't...fight any longer." She said gasping for air

"You shall fight and win I love you."

She and Aragorn reached the shore her slowly slipping into the darkness. A horse came along nudging Aragorn. He was still out of it but sat up looking at Reann. Shaking his head he crawled by her. Starting to panic once he seen the bloody cloth, and blood covered face he picked her up which was a struggle, and put her on the horse. Climbing on behind her the horse took off.

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