Meeting the others

Start from the beginning

"But I don't know who that is!" He groans.

"He's a singer." I say, grabbing a pair of boots from beside the wardrobe.

"Well, if you're picking who I'm going to be, I get to pick who you'll be." He grins.

"But I had my costume all planned already!" I grumble.

"It's only fair." He says matter-of-factly, walking over to the wardrobe and searches for something.

He pulls out an outfit which is brightly coloured. He hands it over to me and tells me to put it on.

"Who am I?" I ask curious.

"Put a lampshade on your head, and you will know." He laughs.

I go find one and walk back in the bedroom and stare at myself in the mirror. "Am I... Boy George?" I ask.

 Boy George?" I ask

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"You certainly are." He laughs.

We get into the car and he decides to put some 80s music on, to get as into the theme for tonight. He heads along the seafront, before turning down a road which leads directly to the pub. Outside, I see Richard arrive in a car, whilst Paul is standing outside. He bursts out laughing when he sees Richard and Richard pokes him before heading inside.

Schneider parks the car further down the road, and we get out and head inside the pub. In the corner of the room, Paul and Richard are sat with a pint of beer in front of each of them. Paul is the first to see us and waves us over. We go to where they are sitting and sit down next to them.

"Hällochen!" Paul says happily.

"Hi" I reply.

"How are you all?" Schneider asks.



"I'll go get some drinks." I say, standing up and tucking my chair underneath. I head towards the bar and Richard joins me.

"I thought I better help you carry them." He smirks.

"Thanks." I say.

"So, what have you been doing today?" He asks, sliding onto one of the bar stools.

"Oh not much," I say. "Just been hanging out with Schneider."

"Cool." He shrugs and calls over the bar tender. He orders a pint of beer for Schneider, Till and himself, and half pint for me.

"I'm not really a big fan of beer if I'm honest." I say, picking up two of the glasses.

"Everyone is." He laughs, picking up the rest.

We carry the beers over to the table and by now, Till has arrived too.

"Here we go." I say handing the pint over to Schneider and setting the half pint in front of me.

We spend the next few hours catching up and talking about any new information the others have to tell us. The beer glasses gradually become emptier quicker, and a karaoke starts at 9pm. By 10pm, nobody is safe to drive home and we go off in our own little groups. I decide to head outside for some air, the stuffy, crowded pub doing my head in. The nippy breeze cools my whole body down, and I lean against the brick wall. The street lamps have switched on now, however it is still fairly dark. I feel a presence behind me and call out. There's no reply at first.

"Hey." I hear a slurred voice behind me. The person comes over and I see a spark in the darkness.

"You don't want a fag, do you?"

"No thanks, Richard." I say sighing.

I see the cigarette glowing in the darkness and can smell the smokiness. We stand in silence for a while, until he puts it out. He comes even closer and stands facing me.

"Did you enjoy the night?" He asks. I can't really see his face, so I can't tell what he's thinking or feeling.

"Yeah, it was fun. But it's gotten a bit too much now." I say holding my throbbing head.

"How so?" He asks. I feel him put his hand beside my head, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's just the beer. I feel a bit giddy now." I laugh.

"I can make you feel a whole load more giddy." Richard whispers, and I can just tell he has a smirk on his face. He leans forward and places his lips onto mine. For a split second I'm in shock, but then push the drunken man off of me.

"What the hell?" I yell.

"You knew I was going to do that. So why didn't you stop me before hand?" He shrugs.

He's right. Why didn't I?

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