2. Dinner Party Announcements

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Because the six of them liked to be in each other's presence. Their parents have become very aquatinted with one another.

Due to Gavin Stuart's retirement he often invites the five other families to dinner parties.

This was were Gavin decided to announce something.
Something big.

Masrura's point of view

Katy's dad's parties were the worst.

They were boring and unentertaining.

I had just entered the formal dining room of the Stuart mansion. I could see Zara and Vincent had already arrived.

Vincent was sitting next to his father quietly and mindlessly.

Zara was with longer her dad's newest phone. A phone that wasn't supposed to be released for another four months. Her dad owned the most popular electronics company in the world so she has access to all the electronics she wants.

I decided to sit next to Zara while I wait for my dad to arrive.

"I wonder what it is this time"

I turn to Zara impressed she looked away from her phone,

"It better be good i had rehearsals"

Mr.stuarts chair scrapes the dark hardwood floors as he stands from his seat at the head of the table.

"I know you all have been waiting for my announcement all evening. I hope it will be worth the wait."

It never is.

"I gathered everyone her to announce that I will be conducting an experiment"

He pauses and looks down at his daughter.

"I will be sending Kaitlin to a public school. And I would advise you all too as well."

The Zhang's are the first to inject themselves into the conversation.

"Why in the world would you send your child to get beaten by public education and suggest we do the same."

Mr. Stuart chuckles, "we are all new money. We went through hardships to get to the points we are now. We all grew up on or below the poverty line and didn't get the best grade school education. But our kids however have only breathed, seen, and eaten money. They have no clue what the real world is like. Sending them to an above average high school will humble them and show them what the world is like."

I was not ready for so much crazy in one sentence.

"I agree"

All heads turn to Mr. Osdua

"But dad!"

"This crazy man may be unto something."

"There is a nice house house on the other side of the state they can live in with a nanny."

Nanny. We're 16 for god sake.

"Your children are my Katy's only friends and I hope that the six of them embark on this journey together."

"I'm in." Says Vincent's father.

Vincent's father NEVER talks at this stupid get togethers.

"Kids go up to the game room we have a lot to discuss."

As if on command a symphony of chair legs scratching against floor fills the large room.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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