Help.. Me...

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I quickly pushed away from both of them, but then got face to face with a wall. I look up to see Amelia, "Don't Touch  my boyfriend!" She shouted. I looked away because her stinky "new to puberty" breath/voice. "Don't tell me what to do!" I shouted back, "oh, so I can't do this, either?" She then slaps me,  I fall to the ground and then I feel two arms wrap around my waist, "don't touch her, Amelia," David calmly said, lifting me up. "Get. Out." I say with a stone cold voice. "Make me!" I then start to push her put the door, "I said get the hell out," I close the door, and run up to my room. I sit on the bed and watch as David and Gabbie come in, "hey, are you okay..?" Gabbie asks, "yeah, you seemed a little freaked out," David said, "yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Can I just be alone right now? I want to go to bed," I ask, "yeah, sure," Gabbie says. They leave and I go to bed.

            ~ The next day ~

I wake up to my blaring alarm. I get out of bed and head down stairs. Make breakfast, makeup done, teeth brushed. Basically my morning routine. I call Gabbie and ask her to drive me to school. My car is in shop so I need a way to get to school. She picks me up, we talk, and then we're at school. I spot David and he's talking to a beach blonde girl in a crop top and a miniskirt. She had icy blue eyes, she was wearing a butt load of makeup. David spots me and waves, I wave back, the girl turns around to face me and gives me the deathstare. I stare in shock. Next thing I know, they're fucking kissing. I tell Gabbie to take me inside now. She asks me what's wrong and, of course, I respond with a "nothing!". She takes me inside and we go to our first class.

             ~After School~

(Liza's POV)
I see David walking towards me holding the girl's hand. She stares at me with her blue eyes. They are like icecicles shooting at me. David then says, "hey, Liza! Meet Rachel. She's the girl in my science class!" (If you get this, you get a shoutout!) I smiled at her, "hey, Rachel! I'm Liza. Nice to meet you!" She stares at me for a sec, "...nice to meet you too.." I hear her whisper "bitch" but I just ignore her. "She's my..girlfriend.." David says, like bitch, how do you even get over a break up that quick? I start walking towards Gabbie's car and she sees my face, "Liza, what's wrong? She asks, "David's new 'girlfriend' called me a bitch.." I start crying, "aww, Liza, I'm so sorry. I can talk to him if you want," I nod and she goes over to them.

(Gabbie's POV)

I go over to David and his "girlfriend" and I'm pissed. "David, look at what your so called "girlfriend" did to Liza! She knows that Rachel called her a bitch! This slut isn't even good at whispering!" I can see the rage in his eyes. I turn to Liza and she's on the hood of my car with her head in her hands. She's shaking, I run back over to her and comfort her, David comes over to me and tries to comfort Liza aswell. She. Slapped. His. Hand. OHHH SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWWNNNNNN!!! David looks at her with a shocked face, "what the fuck.." David was angryyy. Rachel came over and SLAPPED Liza. David then walked away with her. Holding. Her. Hand. I grabbed Liza's hand and dragged her to the car. She gets in and we drive to her house.

          ~At Liza's House~

(Liza's POV)

I run up to my bathroom and look at my face. I have a big bruise on the right side of my face. Gabbie comes up with an ice pack, "hey, let me see," she says with a concerned look, " no, I got it. Thanks Gabbie," after that, she leaves and I got to bed.

           ~The Next Day~

I wake up and do my usual thing, but when I look in the mirror I have a big swollen bruise on my face, the ice pack helped a little, but not that much. I decide to put on a hoodie. I get into the car with Gabbie, we sit and silence. We get to school and I walk into class with my head down. "Hey, you might want to take off your hood. The teacher doesn't like it," This guy named Zane says to me, "no, I really need it today," I say back.  He nods and looks back at the front. "Alright class!" My reading teacher, Mrs. Boski, (ligit my teacher's name) says, "Liza, hood off!" She yells at me, "Mrs. Borski, I really need it today! Please, it's important!!," I say back, "Off!" She screams, I sigh and take off my hood, everyone gasps, "Liza, honey, what happened?!" Mrs. Borski asks, "David Dodrik's girlfriend slapped me.." I say on the verge of tears, "I'm calling the principal," I nod and she goes down the hall to get the principal. "That was a bad idea, Baby.." Zane turns to me, "and why is that?" I ask, "David's new girlfriend can easily get pissed off, I think you can tell that already," he points to my face. Mrs. Borski comes back to the classroom and  I hear the announcer thingy come on, "will David Dobrik and Rachel (her last name, I forgot it ;-;) come to the principal's office, please?" I sigh, and raise my hand, "yes, Liza?" Mrs. Borski asks, "may I go to the restroom, please?" I ask, "of course," she says. I get up and head out to the hall, I spot Rachel and David heading toward the office. They give me death stares. I look away showing off my bruise, I hear David's gasp behind me and I keep walking towards the bathroom. Once I get there, I break down into tears. I hear a knock on the door and I say come in in a squeaky voice, Gabbie opens the door and gives me a hug. I love my best friends. They always know when I'm sad. Thank you!


Liza (Koshy) x David (Dobrik)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang