#18. Rylan

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I wanted to be drunk for the first time I'd meet Lukas Ortona. And maybe I should have paced myself, but I was never good at math, judging time or volumes. The legend of Lukas Ortona is told as a precaution to young lycans. "It's why we don't cover the globe." My father told me. "We stick to the warmer climates. You don't see ice over the Caribbean and you don't see palm trees in the arctic. They stay where they can survive. A natural strategy you'd be good to learn." He said.

During the Century War the most northern pack of lycans tracked the royals through Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia, until wrapping around the Baltic Sea and into Finland. A hundred and fifty lycans were defeated like the wind blows out candles, a few from the climate, but most by Lukas Ortona with his sister Rosa by his side.

Vito had sensed me shift as I looked up to the top of the square. "You made it all the way to the center of Florence and you're having second thoughts?"

"I'm not having second thoughts." I caught Dominic helping Sonny out of the limo. He had almost quite literally lived under a rock and didn't know what Dominic was capable of. He hadn't learned his lesson when Dominic sunk fangs into his shoulder.

"Good. You're the first lycan in Florence in a hundred and thirty years." Vito sneered. "If you want to live. Don't wander."

I held in a growl. It didn't matter if I was on the street or sharing a roof with the entire Ortona family in mourning for two deaths my kind would be blamed for. I'd only be welcome as a corpse.

The world swayed and shifted underneath me and my head split with pain. I leaned on the metal bar bolted to elevator wall and squeezed as I felt us being lifted to the top floor. "Don't..." Vito begun as the bolts' threads were torn from the wall. "...lean on that." He finished. Annoyed. A bell rang and the metal doors squeaked open.

Seven coldbloods were waiting at the top, their eyes bitten by surprise. One, dressed in a sari dropped her fangs and her small, delicate hands gripped her wine glass so tightly that it shattered; the pieces falling through her fingers and raining on the marble floor.

"They broughtfriends." She growled.8S

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