Street Kids

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It was raining. It was dark. Jungkook was beginning to get hungry. He could feel that familiar emptiness well up inside the pit of his stomach...but he didn't dare go home. He was there. That asshole Frank. His mom's boyfriend. That asshole who thought it was fun to beat the shit out of him whenever he got pissed at his mom for not having any money to "loan" him. She rarely had money so Jungkook was constantly the punching bag. He couldn't put up with it this time though. His mom's insurance had ran out a week ago. He couldn't afford another broken rib.

He was tired and dirty. He had been outside in the street for two days now. He had slept on the benches at the skate park last night but earlier cops had came by and busted some kids for smoking weed. He couldn't risk going back. When these things happened they did checks every so often. Fucking cops, he thought to himself as a frown grew across his face. He hated the fucking cops.

Just then a cold wind swept through the streets and he shivered. "So cold." he whispered to himself.

Where could he go? His stomach growled and he crossed his arms tightly around the gray hoodie he wore, he hung his head low to protect his face from the wind and rain. He was a pretty tough kid but he had begun to feel an anxiousness grow inside at the thought of having to go sleep at the bridge. He hated that place. There were always vagrants, drug addicts and prostitutes there. He shivered again thinking of how last time he had woken up to the shakes of a scantily dressed hooker, leaning down in his face, breath stinking of liquor and weed, asking him if he wanted to have a good time tonight. "Nah, fuck that", he thought. He'd find a park..alley...something..anywhere but there.

He racked his brain thinking of where to go and then it occurred to him that Yoongi had just gotten out of jail yesterday. Fuck how could he forget! Yoongi would let him crash for a few days. He always had a soft spot for him.

Jungkook ran up the stairway of the apartment building. He could hear a baby crying and an argument coming from one of the shabby apartments on the 2nd floor. Yoongi's pad was at the top. "The Penthouse" Yoongi called it. Some penthouse, thought Jungkook. He barely had any goddamn furniture. But it was warm and inviting enough just the same. He loved listening to Yoongi's stories of how he had gotten in a fight or robbed some store. He had never gotten caught before until last week, when some dumbass junkie snitched on him for stealing a bunch of drugs out of the hospital. The guy had gotten pissed off because Yoongi wouldn't sell him some painkillers for half price. Fucking snake.

Jungkook banged his fist loudly against the metal door. They always had metal doors in shit places like these. He waited a few moments, heard nothing and then banged again..louder this time. He started to get worried that Yoongi was not in, but then again he knew Yoongi...that fucker was always sleep.

He banged again.

"What the fuuuuuck!" shouted the angry, muffled voice from inside.

Jungkook beamed. Yes he was home!

The door swung open violently and Jungkook stared upon his savior. He had black hair that was disheveled from sleep. His eyes were slanted into a frown and he wore a white tank, ripped jeans and no shoes. His lips were pierced into an angry line and he looked Jungkook up and down from head to toe at the sight of him.

"What the fuck are you doing here you rabbit looking motherfucker." Yoongi growled.

"Hyung! You're out!" Jungkook couldn't help but smile. He loved his hyung. He was like a fucking legend in their neighborhood and he always took care of him, no matter how much he complained about it.

"Yeah, yeah." said Yoongi and he walked slowly, away from the door, leaving it open for Jungkook to enter.

Jungkook dashed inside and shut the door behind him. Ahhhh heat! He rubbed his cold hands together and shook slightly trying to warm up.

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