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"I can't believe you actually called an escort service! What the hell!" said Park Jimin, his eyes wide with surprise and laughter.

He knew his friend Kim Taehyung had different interests but this was over the top. He eyed him closely as he straightened himself in the mirror. He was gorgeously attractive wearing a white turtleneck, black slacks and Gucci dress shoes. His long, graceful fingers fidgeted with the neck of his shirt till he had adjusted it just right and Jimin walked over and helped him smooth down the back of his hair, smiling at him in the mirror. He looked perfect.

"Yeah well I'm bored and who knows they may be hot." he turned and raised his eyebrows up and down with a flirty smirk. Jimin burst out laughing his dashing eye smile that Tae had grown so fond of.

They had attended boarding school together and were best friends. Park Jimin was currently learning the family business as he would take over someday and Tae had landed a contract as a Gucci model but was still finishing his degree. They were insanely wealthy, gorgeous and liked to party a lot. They were practically inseparable and the elite socialites of Seoul called them the Little Princes. Tae was always planning schemes and Jimin was always going along with them, in awe that his friend could be so bold and daring. But this! This! This was crazy!

"Taehyungie, Taehyungie that's him!" squealed Jimin. He was so excited. He couldn't wait to see who was at the door but he would wait, of course, till Taehyung introduced him.

"Mmm...I should have gone with the other shirt. This is too damn hot." said Tae and he pulled off the turtleneck, exchanging it for a white sleek button down.

"Still handsome as always." said Jimin and Tae shot him a dashing smile then jogged down the stairs to meet his "date".

"Sir you have a guest." said the butler and Tae signaled with his hand to lead him into the sitting room.

He poured two glasses of Soju, himself being nervous too, but he wouldn't let on to Jimin. He loved how he marveled at his sometimes real and sometimes false bravery. He sat down on the gray sofa, wine glass in hand, looking like something out of a GQ magazine. This was going to be fun, he thought, and he stared as the stranger slowly entered the room.

Jungkook stared in amazement as he entered the residence. There was a huge statue of a cupid in the foyer, big chandeliers and a large painting of a boy in blue to the right of the hall. Everything looked elegant and pristine. His wide doe like eyes peered up and around, taking it all in and he felt extremely small and dirty, like a mouse coming out of it's mouse hole. He wished he had worn better clothes but this was all he had with him and they had never imagined he'd be going to a place like this. It looked like a goddamn museum!

"This way sir." said the elder gentleman who let him in and he prayed to god this wasn't the dude he had to go on his "date" with.

To his surprise an incredibly stunning young man was seated in the large room . He had seductive, beautiful brown eyes, an elegant frame and he appeared model like as he sat on the couch, one leg casually crossed over his knee, sipping what looked to be wine.

Jungkook sat down nervously and took off his hood. He stared wide eyed at the man who seemed to be around the same age. All he could think is why the fuck did he, a cute guy like this, need an escort? He must be a weirdo, Kookie thought, and he eyed him suspiciously.

"Hello. I'm Taehyung. But you can call me Tae." the stranger leaned forward and offered his hand. Jungkook shook it slowly then placed his hand back in his pocket.

"Jungkook. Or Kookie." said Jungkook still eyeing him suspiciously.

"Mmmm..would you like a drink?" asked the stranger.

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