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All the students and staff had gathered in the cafeteria ,on the stage stood two people a fairly beautiful female in a lab coat and to her right stood a tall lanky man,also in a lab coat.

There was also a diagram on the table. I sat next to May,she smiled at me gently as we sat around the middle of the cafeteria. People finally settled as the woman on stage picked up the mic off the stage and tapped it lightly for feedback. The small screech rang out through the speakers.

"Hello students and staff, Iam Dr. Millon and this " she said gesturing to the tall lanky male next to her "is Dr.Thomas" he took the mic gently "hello" he stuttered "Well the reason we called this ensemble is because we need some volunteers for a mission on the surface.

Awe rose threw the crowd as I immediately became interested "as you know us individuals cannot go onto the surface due to the blizzard that is a constant"she said pointing upward. "But do to the procedure that was invented to allow us to go is available,This diagram will explain the procedure and the side effects of the procedure "She said gesturing towards the diagram now shown on the projector.

"A.D.I.P, that is the acronym for the procedure. It stands for Animal DNA Integration Process." "A.D.I.P huh? " I thought, that was the method my parents had helped make and formulate. "The process involves taking intact animal DNA and bombarding and recombining the human genome with the desired DNA.
It would leave the subject the attributes of said animal,as well as the ability to partially assume the form of the mentioned creature"

A hand rose in the crowd, "Yes?" Said Dr.Millon. "So is this like therianropy of tales from the surface days? Werewolves? etc?" Said the student which caused some to laugh. "No" the still serious Dr said "it's probaly partly based on the idea yes, but is not controlled by factors such as the moon or magic"  The bell rang,signaling the end of the assembly, as people began to get up and scramble out of the cafeteria.

I walked up to the stage, tapping Dr.Millon on the shoulder "Yes?" She said still gathering her material into a bag. "Where do I sign up?" I asked to see May's eyes widen in shock, she took my hand leading me a few feet away from the doctor "What? You want to sign up for this? It could be dangerous!" She yelled " I want to get out of this place May. I've been here my whole life. I want to see the surface" I say back calmly, I see her eyes begin to water.

I pull her close "I'll be fine May, you don't have to worry " she hugged me back tightly. I wiped the tears from her cheek, as I took her hand and lead her back to the doctor. " When is the procedure day?" I say to the doctor"  "In two days ,here"she says handing me a paper "sign this" she picks up her bag and walks to the door "see you then" she says before leaving with her partner.

I got this chapter out quickly as I've been feeling the ideas flow thanks to my dad for help and consulting see you peeps later  PS Still need a new cover and possibly title msg me if you can help

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