And wait.

A bell snaps me out my thoughts.

Has it already been an hour?

I stand and see dozens of students gather up around the main staircase in the room.

I stay standing in the corner of the room, not wanting to be noticed.

After a moment, I see a woman in a purple dress approach the top of the stairs, accompanied by two identical men of which I assume are her guards.

The Kalos Queen walks up to a podium at the top of the stairs and begins to speak into a microphone.

"Good evening! I am Grace Yvonne, the Kalos Queen, and am honored to stand before you on this joyful day."


"I humbly welcome you all to my home and wish you all to have a great time! Now, before we begin, I would like to introduce my daughter, as she will be studying at the university as well. This is my daughter, Serena!"

She steps back and a girl wearing a red dress along with a red ribbon tied to her honey-blonde hair walks up the podium and takes a bow,

Strange...She looks familiar...

She glances around the room as if she was looking for someone, and her eyes move across the room until our eyes meet.

She gives me a smile.

That's when everything clicked inside my head.

Her long waves of honey-blonde hair.

Her sparkling cerulean blue eyes.

Her bright smile.

My roommate is the daughter of Grace Yvonne, the Kalos Queen.

My roommate is Serena Yvonne, Princess of the Kalos region.

I give her a half-hearted smile and she looks back towards the crowd of students.

Hmph. And I thought I was a good liar.

She opens her mouth to speak.

"I am thankful to be here today and to study along with all of you at the University of Kalos. I can not wait to become great friends with all of you in the future!" She once again glances over to my corner of the room, to see me looking off into the distance.

I see a small frown grow on her face in the corner of my eye. She quickly moves her head back the group of students before her.

"But for now, I hope you enjoy the party." She slowly gives a parting bow and is met with a large applause.

Not long after, they decide to turn on music and dim the lights for the students to dance.

I sink down to the bench and watch the students dance and enjoy themselves.

Not long after, all of the attention in the room was brought to the center, where the Princess was dancing ever so gracefully.

❦ Ever So Graceful ༻ SatoSereWhere stories live. Discover now