Chapter 14 - Frustration

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*Matt's POV *

I explained to her about my scars on my body but nothing. She said nothing and I still stood there by the console looking at her for answers.  She looked down and I saw her say something but I couldn't hear. After, she looked down, she walked out of the TARDIS and left me there all on my own. I confided in her and I bet she will go to Arthur after leaving me here.

I walked over to the chair and moved my shirt out the way. I put it back on and decided to practise some scenes whilst I was on set. I cleared my mind and began rehearsing. 

I must of fallen asleep as when I woke, I found that I was half leaning on the console and half laying on the floor. I muttered lines from the episode or episodes as I must of been practising soo much last night.  The events came back to me. Not the events of me and Karen but what I did when she left.

I started off by going around the console familiarising myself with the different objects and levers that faced me. Someone had told me what they all meant but I couldn't remember who. I then got into position and belted out my scenes, imagining ones where Karen is in.

That's all I can remember up to. I pull myself up and I see the light braking through the cracks of the set. I need to get out of here before someone catches me. I walk out of the TARDIS and make my way to my trailer.

I Just Wanted To See The Light - (Karen Gillian, Doctor Who Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now