Chapter 12 - Arthur Darvill

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I wasn’t expecting him to say it after what we had been through. I just snuggled up a bit more not wanting to confess my love for him as I wasn’t sure if I loved him properly yet. I needed to think about things, about if I can trust Matt enough.

I awake to find that Matt wasn’t beside me anymore. I got out of bed and slipped my feet into a pair of slippers that was beside the bed. I walked into the sitting room, well what you can tell a sitting room and saw on the mini table a note. It read:

I had a fantastic night once again! I went back to my trailer early hours so no one would tell that I stayed the night. I hope to have a night out again but with a little less drama. I wish we can sort things out as I know you are still upset with me.

See you on set in a couple of hours!


Matt x

I put the letter back onto the table and walked into the small bedroom. I got dressed into something warmer and comfortable and made my way to the blue box cafe where breakfast was being served. I saw Arthur sitting on his own so I went and grabbed my breakfast and walked over to his table. I put my tray on the table and plonked my bottom onto the chair. Arthur looked up at me and gave me a quick smile.

“So I guess it didn’t end well the other night?” Arthur asked me

“Yeah, I kind of freaked out and ran away and then cried for a little while. Matt eventually found me on a side street still crying my eyes out. We got another taxi home but we had an argument so were no longer talking until someone sorts something out.” I lied giving a slight smile so that Arthur knows it’s all right. Well I now have to ignore Matt but we weren’t actually going out after what had happened, I noticed that I had my script in my bag so I took it out.

“Want to practise some lines before we film?” I asked him pushing my tray out the way

“Yeah sure!” He replied

After an hour or so practising and repeating lines we finally gave in and decided to go back to his trailer.

“Umm so what do you want to do for the last half an hour?” Arthur asked me

“I don’t know what do you want to do?” I replied

“Well we could watch TV for a bit?” He questioned

We started to take off our jackets and walked over to the couch where suddenly we walked into each other and our faces were really close. I tried not to breathe much and I got butterflies in my stomach. Did I really have feelings for Arthur? More than Matt?

I must say Arthur is incredibly handsome and he is sweet and kind! I know he wouldn’t cheat on me as I know he is loyal to what he says.

I zoned back in and I saw Arthur shaping his head into the position of a kiss. I breathed out slightly and started to lean in as well. Our lips meet and it was the most wonderful thing in the world. This warm tingle ran down all the way over my body and I started to grab his hair as he put his hand around my waist and pulled me in closer.

Just then Matt walked in without knocking and me and Arthur suddenly parted and looked at a wide-eyed Matt.

I Just Wanted To See The Light - (Karen Gillian, Doctor Who Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now