Chapter 3 - The Long Wait Part 2

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* Karen's P.O.V *

I looked back at him and a smile grew on my face. I couldn't be any happier with the performance that I had given them. I was so sure that I would get the part but I had to wait 2 weeks until they phoned David.

"Well?" David said again

"It was amazing. I performed my lines confidently and went by the stage directions but the people on the otherside of the table were depressing! No emotion or energy at all except this blonde women who was getting on my nerves. They said that they will phone you in the next 2 weeks to say if I haven't got the call back or if I have." I squealed at him in a rush

"Woah slow down! Ahh well theres the panel for you. Maybe they wanted to see how you reacted when they put not energy or effort into it and by the sounds of it you carried on putting effort into your performance. Well I sure am going to leave my phone on loud then. I will call you as soon as I get off the phone with them!" David said.

We spent that car journey home in silence. I decided to turn my music on and put my headphones on. Listening to the music, I slowly fell asleep and started to think about the future and also how I need to re-decorate my flat one day.

I felt the car stop and sat up in my seat by this time it was dark with calm shades of blue in the sky. I thanked David and he said he will call me when he gets the news. I got out of the car and walked up to the block of flats. I walked up the flight of stairs and reached the second floor. I then saw my room number 25 and unlocked the door. My flat was soo depressing. It had cream walls in the hallway and it extended into my sitting room. Opposite the flat door was the bathroom which had white walls and a shower in one corner. There was a mirror which took half of a wall and a sink was placed underneath the mirror. The toilet was just to the side of the sink. My bedroom was in a seperate room. My sitting room had black sofas and a black coffee table. A flat screen TV was positioned on the main wall. My kitchen was slowly spilling into my living room even though there was half wall dividers. 

I dropped my bags on the floor and just fell onto the sofa giving out a huge oomph as I did. As there was a DVD already in the TV so I turned it on a watched an episode of Doctor Who. After, I went into my room and got changed into my polka PJ's and layed in my bed. Eventually I fell asleep. 

* 2 Weeks Later *

It was the day that David would be getting a call from the people that auditioned me. I was soo excited that I woke up early not on purpose just because of excitement. You never really know excited you get for something. In everyone something triggers this high level of excitement. I did my normal routine and it came round to 1 pm. I was just finishing my lunch when my phone buzzed next to me. It was David. 

" Hey David, please say it's good news..." I replied slowly

"Well.." He said giving no emotion in his voice

" Well? " I asked

" YOU HAVE GOT THE CALL BACK! " David screamed down the phone

" OMG! No way. You sure? Your joking, you must be! " I said all in a rush

" I. Am. Not. Joking " He said bluntly

" Oh wow! When is the next interview? Where is it? What time? " I said bombarding him with questions

" Stop asking me questions! It is in a weeks time next Saturday, same place and around 11 so you better not watch any Doctor Who that day or you might get ingrossed with it." He chuckled

" Ok thanks David! Just email me the script when you get it and thank you again for getting me the audition in the first place. See you next Saturday! " I replied to him

I hang up and started to clean my flat just to pass time. It came to 5 and I was starving because I had been tiding up. I made my self some pasta and watched TV. Nothing was on but I found a program. I washed up and went into the bathroom to clean my teeth and wash my face. I wasn't wearing any make-up because I had stayed in side all day. I turned the sitting room light off and opened my bedroom door. I laid on my bed and fell asleep.

The next day, I opened my laptop which was laying on the floor beside my bed and turned it on. I opened my emails and saw a email from David. I opened it and downloaded the script. Without looking at it, I printed it out and collected it from the printer which was situated underneath my TV in my room. I went back into my bed and started to read the script. I wasn't hungry when I woke up but as it got nearer to lunchtime, I started to get hungry so I put my grey slippers on and walked into the kitchen whilst turning on the light. I decided to make my self a sandwich and I grabbed a packet of crisps on my to the sitting room.

I decided to call my mate Lauren after I had eaten my lunvh as I was feeling lonely and needed someone to talk to. 

* Ring*

* Ring*

* Ring*

" Hey Karen, whats new?!" She chirpped down the phone

" Hey Lauren, nothing new this end, just same old same old. " I lied. I couldn't tell her that I had got an audition because otherwise she might tell everyone. Also it was part of the rules of David's contract. 

" Same but did you hear about David Tennant leaving Doctor Who! He announced it a couple of weeks ago! " She said

" OMG really but I love David Tennant! " I said sadly down the phone

" Yeah apparently they have announced the new Doctor already it was on the news. It was only a short thing though. His name is Matt Smith, don't know if you know him or not. " She explained to me

" Oh right! I haven't looked at the news for a while and I haven't been on facebook lately either. I'll most probs google him and see what he looks like." I told Lauren

" Hahaha you make me laugh Karen, you ginger. " She laughed

" Hahaha! I'm going to go coz I'm getting tired! Must meet up some time! " I told Lauren

I hung up on her and walked into my bedroom but turning back to turn off the light as I forgotten! I sat in my bed and turned on my laptop. I then googled Matt Smith and his picture popped up on my screen. He had georgeous floppy hair and the most amazing eyes ever but his chin, it would poke out someone's eyes one day. I just laughed at my self thinking " I would never get to meet this man. Never " 

* The day of the audition *

I got up at 7 am and started to do my routine of shower, dress, breakfast, hair and make-up. I followed David's instructions and I didn't watch any Doctor Who. I was so tempted to but I resisted the urge to. It came to 9 o clock and there was several knocks on the door. David was here so I put on pair of shoes and went to the door. I greeted him and then I locked up. We walked down the flight of starirs and finally reached the car. We drove in silence and I looked at my script which I had been staring at for the past week. I had learnt my lines and stage directions but I still looked at the script just to be sure. After an hour and a half we finally reached the same hotel. David told me to ring him if I finished earlier than an hour and that to enjoy my self and be confident. I opened the door to the car and then closed it waving back to David. 

This is where I climb or fall. 

* Sorry about the looong chapter! Thank you for reading and I hope you will enjoy the book. It is slowly getting there and also thank you for waiting pateintly for each new chapter. Please comment, vote and share. *

I Just Wanted To See The Light - (Karen Gillian, Doctor Who Fan Fic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat