"And why was that funny?"

"Because I agreed, and now here I am."

"Do you wish I was someone else?" I can't even begin to fathom why I asked that question. Who would want to hear their mate saying he wanted someone different.

"Not even in the slightest bit. You are perfect Cara. The love for your pack that I've seen in your eyes is indescribable. You care so much for them, that I know you would do pretty much anything if it meant keeping them safe. Including keeping a heavy burden on your shoulders if it meant keeping them happy.

"On top of all that, I think you are the most beautiful creature that has ever been created. I was blessed that have you chosen as my mate. I must have done something right to get matched with someone like you. You're not just my mate Cara, your my partner in crime, my queen, my Alpha. Your problems are just as much mine, as mine are yours. I love you Cara, and to be honest I think I might have before I even realized you were my mate."

"Why do you mean?" Eric, Trent, and Tiberius had always been the trio. They had all grown up together, all following in the footsteps of their fathers that had created a friendship that would last even after death. I had grown up with Tiberius popping up randomly on the territory, but never once had I considered him as my mate.

"Honestly, it sounds bad now that I think about it..."

"Come on!"

"Well," he gulped, "I think it started when you were 15..."

"Pervert." I whispered knowing that Tiberius was five years older then me.

"I told you it was bad!"

"Just go on with your story dirty old man."

"Brat." His hissed against my neck. The feeling made my body freeze, but luckily he didn't notice and kept talking, "It was Eloise's birthday. We were all on Eric's territory. Her dad was about to turn over reign to Eric, but wanted to throw his daughter one last party before handing everything over to his son.

"We had been in the middle of a conversation when you started laughing loud enough to draw our attention away from the topic at hand. Next to you, Eloise was bent face down into her cake, her dad chuckling next to her. When she straightened up she looked pissed. I tried to focus on her, but your laugh just keeping pulling me back. It was so beautiful. The sound was magic to my ears. I hated myself at that very moment, because all I wanted was to hear that sound over and over again.

"I had dreams about you Cara. An older you, wrapped in my embrace with that sound filling the room around us. All those thoughts and dreams always made me sick to my stomach. Soon I couldn't even be near you because my mood started affecting my wolf. And I was so worried that he would do something stupid and I would ruin everything. After that, the next time I actually saw you was the day of the funeral."

"So that's why you stopped coming over with Eric..." I remembered those days clearly. At first I hadn't caught on to his disappearance, but after a couple of weeks I had finally noticed that Eric was coming alone. When I questioned Trent about it he never had a real explanation. He'd just blow off the question or pretend he didn't hear it. "Did my brother know about your feelings?"

"At first no, but he eventually came to me and I admitted to him what was going on."

"What did he say?"

"At first," he laughed, "The guy was furious. He told me I should have left sooner."

"So what happened later?"

"Well he came back a few days later, apologized for his outburst, and then thanked me for backing off due to your age. Then he hit me with the question that made me react the way I did at his funeral."

"Which was?"

"Trent actually asked me if it was possible that the two of us were mates, and that since I was older and more mature that my wolf had started picking up the signs without myself even realizing what was going on."

"How did you respond."

"I laughed in his face and said it was impossible. You were too young for me. He just shrugged and thank me once again for backing off the way I did, but that question never left my mind. I kept thinking about it all the way up to the funeral, and when you went feral, before I even knew what was I was doing, I had you in my arms and was dragging you away from Titan and everyone else."

"When the sparks came I was shocked," I started. He seemed slightly shocked to hear me speaking. This whole time I had kept quiet, only speaking when I wanted him to continue, "I had blacked out that day, but something had quickly pulled me back. One moment I was all wolfed out and the next my body was a mess. It had felt like something had crawled inside and sent off a store load of fireworks. My body had come to life in an entirely new way, and I loved it. Still, when I realized it was you, I was completely shocked."

"And why was that?"

"You were my brothers friend, and growing up all I did was watch the older girls chase after you. Do you know how many of them went around saying that they had been 'whisked away by you in the middle of the night'? At first I was upset that you had been chosen as my mate. I mean I had all these stories floating around in my head and I didn't know what to think."

"Is that why you pulled away when I tried to kiss you?"

"Yes. I didn't know what to think of you. I needed space and time to figure you out."

"So what happened then? I mean obviously you came around eventually. We wouldn't be sitting here if you didn't."

"Isadonna talked to me. She told me all the stories were nothing more then rumors and that I had nothing to worry away. She also told me that you had slept with girls before, but then turned to me and literally said: "So what if he has slept with someone before you Cara? You're his mate. They will never have his mark on their necks. They will never rule by his side. And hey, think about it like this, at least when your eighteen, he'll know exactly how to treat you." And then she winked and my whole body went up in flames, but it had worked. That's why I had shown up on your doorstep that day out of the blue. I was giving you a chance to prove that you really were meant to be my mate."

"Damn...eighteen really? Your sister was going to make me wait that long?" Dropping my smile, the eyebrow about my right eye began to twitch in annoyance. I took a deep breath to calm my self down and then started slapping him on the shoulder.

"That's all you got out of that you stupid pervert!?" With a childish grin plastered on his face, Tiberius lunged at me and knocked me start on my back. My face immediately starting burning and all I could do was struggle underneath his large body.

"Keep doing what you're doing love," he chuckled, "I like watching you squirm."

A/N: A much longer chapter I think! And before you ask, Tiberius's last works were meant in a joking manner!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It think it was one of the best, but that's just me. Well the fun is about to begin for this book. Give it like 2-3 chapters.

After the fun starts it goes on for like 8-10 chapters. And then everything slows down again and the happy ending and then the epilogue and then the next book. You all know how the cycle goes.

The Alpha's Summitजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें