•Chapter twenty-one•

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I pour the coffee into the cup of hot milk, finishing with a swirl shape. Every time it reminds me of when I spilt it on him.
Because of freaking Molly.

I was in no mood to smile, I had a headache from walking into a pole, and I was still pissed at Eugene for leaving me at the hospital and nearly getting kidnapped.
He doesn't need to know, he doesn't care anyway.

Your probably thinking that he does because of that day where he said that he was falling for me. But let's just click back into reality...

No. Millionaire players don't fall in love. That's like falling into a mess. And I'm sure he has enough mess that he has to clean up in his life.

I'm meant to be the maid, the helper, the whatever you want to call it. I cannot fall in love.
Not with him.

We are two completely different people.

After walking up the flight of stairs, I get rid of the memories of his kind gestures and the kiss.
Time to actually work, he's my boss.
I open the door to his office and
Place the hot mug beside him.

I tried not to look at him, because I was scared the memories will come back.


I wince at my name. He left me. He left me there, with a creepy guy that was ready to snatch me up.

"No." I say shaking my head. Then I turn to look him straight in the eye. "Anything else you want, Mr Rider?" I say professionally, giving him no such tone or expression.

His face fell, he knew that I was in no mood to be friends. "No thank you."

"Good, have a nice day." I say before giving a forced smile and shutting the door behind me.

I take a breath, and an idea popped into my head. Not a very good idea.

But if I wanted to get over him, if I wanted to not fall in love and if I wanted to dodge heartbreak, then I should quit.

I mean, that's a solution to all of this. He has Molly now. He doesn't fall in love, he plays around. And that's him and I accept that. But I won't accept being played by him too.

I don't want to do this, but it better for the both of us.

I take a pen and paper, leaving a note on the kitchen bench before leaving the house, without anyone noticing.


I stare at the computer screen.

Why is she angry with me still? I get I left her at the hospital and I feel so stupid. I didn't think it would affect her that bad.

God why am I such a horrible person?

I take a sip of the coffee, something wasn't right. I frown at the computer screen, and bang my fist on the desk. Stupid numbers, stupid money.

I left the coffee in my desk as I walk out of my office. I was heading for the library, but my feet had other ideas and headed towards Hunters room.
I walked in, and saw the pile of Lego boxes.

He was downstairs in the Tv room, so I went over the the ship that Edythe helped him build.
I picked up her lego piece and stared at it.

Everything about her was nothing like Molly. That's why I love her.

Yes. I said it.

I place the Lego piece back, but this time I put it next to my Lego figure. I wanted to know what was wrong, and I knew it was more than me leaving her at the hospital.

I walk down stairs, going into the kitchen and opening the pantry.
I need to go food shopping.
I grab a packet of plain chips and open them up.

"I heard a wrapper, that means food!" Hunter yells, running into the kitchen and snatching my chips.

"Hey! Get your own."

"Why should I? You just gave me some." Hunter says sitting up on the bench.

"I recall you snatching them." I said raising an eyebrow. I watch him smile cheekily as he picked up the pen next to a piece of paper.

I frowned, maybe it's a note from my Mother?

"I bet they are just selling air, but the company is nice enough to put chips in it." Hunter says looking into his chip packet.

I didn't reply, because that was certainly not my mothers handwriting on the note.
Picked it up, with Hunter looking at me curiously.

I opened the folded paper, to revel the same handwriting.


Before I start, don't come after me. You probably won't anyway-point is, someday you'll look back and know exactly why it had to happen. Why I had to leave.
You have everything, you don't need me. That's why I have let go. Players don't fall in love.

My heart sunk at that last line. She's right, I'm a player, but she's wrong, because I was a player.

Most of all, I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the same way I feel  when I'm with you.

Wish you the best, Mr Rider.

Edythe Prior.

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