•Chapter eleven•

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Tuesday came quickly.

Very quickly. Just like I blinked the weekend away and Monday didn't exist.

I was packed and ready to go at the mansion. I had said goodbye to mum and listened to her listing everything that I've packed.
Amy arrived soon after me, with her suitcase that could hold absolutely anything.

As soon as she saw Sebastian her eyes widened and she had a smile plastered on her face.

I smirked at the both of them.

"Mother left us the tickets. She is really angry at us, still." Eugene says rolling his eyes.

"All ready?" He asks us.

We all nod.

"Great. Let's go." He says picking up his suitcase and Hunters.

"I'll drive." Sebastian said going to the drivers seat.

"Shotgun." Amy whispered so only I could hear.

I smile.


That means... oh god. How far away is the airport?

I was hoping hunter would sit in the middle but instead he wanted the window seat, leaving me sitting next to Eugene.

My heart started beating faster than usual when he sat beside me.

Amy smirks back at me through her mirror. I glare at her in return as I shuffle in my seat.

I clear my throat. "How far away is the airport?"

"About forty minutes." Sebastian says pulling out of the drive way.

"Oh." Is all I could manage to say.

Forty minutes.

Not to long, right?


Man, I was wrong.

Not only was Amy and Sebastian flirting in the front seat, but Hunter had found bubble wrap under the car seat.

Then there was Eugene. Winding the window up and down nonstop.

"You sure you don't want to change the station?"

"No it's okay." Amy smiles at Sebastian.


"Okay." She giggles.

I roll my eyes. When will this end?

Not only was the sound of the window going up and down annoying, but it blew my hair in my face every time. I nearly chocked on it when it few into my mouth.

"Would you stop?" I hiss to Eugene.

His innocence face turned to me. "Stop what?"

"Window." I say.


I let out a puff. "Stop winding the window down then back up again!"

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