Chapter 16 : Revelations

Start from the beginning

Arthit couldn't help but feel frustrated, they had fought tooth and nail for this USB, Kongpob had been shot, was it all for nothing?

"I can't believe it -"

Kongpob interrupted him, the colour had returned to his pale face.

"I know who can help us."


"I think it's time for me to call my old friend -"

Arthit watched Kongpob stretch out his arm for his phone.

"Ai'Aim, could you do me a favour?"


Aim's dark head was bent over the USB, he carefully extracted the microchip from within the USB with a pair of tiny tweezers. Kongpob was hovering over him, the enormous hospital gown, almost engulfing him. Arthit watched them, he hadn't thought Aim and Kongpob were still in touch.

Half an hour later, Aim had extracted the files from the USB, he showed it to them triumphantly. Kongpob clapped him on the shoulder.

"Good work, Ai'Aim."

The three of them huddled around Aim's laptop. It all looked like gibberish to Arthit, there were scores of sheets with names and account details next to them. He exchanged a confused look with Aim. Kongpob was scrolling through the names at a feverish pace, slowly a smile slid on his face.


"What is it?"

It's the list of every single person involved in embezzling company funds. This is what we had been looking for. Don't you see what this means?"

Aim's face was scrunched up in concentration while Arthit's eyes widened.

"There's someone in the company involved in all this -"

"-which is how they knew to track you, they must have seen it over the CCTV footage, that you found the USB. And it's obviously someone with resources to hire private guns to intimidate you and P'Gun."

Kongpob paced the room, Arthit stopped him.

"Stop moving around so much, your stitches will come off."

"Is P'Gun involved in this? It doesn't look like, otherwise - but what if he had a falling out with his partners and they double crossed him -"

Aim decided there was nothing more he could do to help, besides he had a date with May he would be late for. He got up, bowing slightly to Arthit.

"I'll be off then, Kong. You can hold on to my laptop for now."

Kongpob was deep in his thoughts, he didn't respond. After a while, he took out his black book and started scrolling through the list again.


"P'Arthit, could you leave me alone for a while? I need to work on something -"

"Yes, of course."

Arthit was a little hurt but he knew how important it was for Kongpob to figure things out. He left to find Knott.


Knott's eyes widened as Arthit explained the happenings of the past few days. He shook his large head sadly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be here for you, Ai'Arthit."

"It's alright, Ai'Knott - looks like the case will be solved soon enough."

Arthit's phone buzzed with a text notification.

'P'Arthit, can you come to my room?'

"I have to go, Ai'Knott. Thanks for staying with me."

Arthit opened the door to Kongpob's room. Kongpob brightened on seeing him, beckoning him closer to the bed. Arthit felt a kiss on his cheek.

"Sorry, P'Arthit."

They both knew what he was apologizing for. Kongpob's eyes were bright, he lowered his voice and whispered.

"I think I've figured it out, P'Arthit."


There was a buzz of excitement in the air after Kongpob's statement. Arthit brought his head closer to Kongpob's.

"Who is it?"

"The question isn't who is it? Rather, it should be who are they. I think there are three parties involved, possibly. The director, who has all the resources, P'Gun, possibly doing the grunt work and someone in the IT department feeding information from the CCTV."

"So, the only reason they targetted me was for the USB?"

"I don't see any other reason."

"But how did it reach me in the first place?"

"That's something I can't put my finger on. Also, P'Gun's role is still unclear -"

Kongpob grimaced, all the excitement had made him forget about his wound.

"I've sent the list to P'Ran already. He's speaking to the judge about the arrest warrants."

Arthit helped him to fluff his pillow, Kongpob winced as he laid himself down.

"Can we trust P'Ran?"

"I know he's been under stress lately, but we can trust him, P'Arthit -"

"Okay. Rest now, don't exert yourself."

Arthit sat by his bed side, hearing Kongpob's plan till he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. He felt Kongpob's lips brush against his forehead.

"Good night, P'Arthit."


A/N : What do you guys think? Agree with Kongpob's analysis?

Thank you all for reading. I'm sorry if I have missed replying to anyone's comment, thank you for them, I always look forward to hearing your thoughts x

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