I and Kendall were ready and we went to the place we were told to visit, with all the dresses and the stuff , we went inside and were given a room where Kendall and I will get our makeup and dressing done , as I was the designer, I had to go on the stage with Kendall , so even I had to get ready . I took out all my dresses and all the other models were there on time and gave them their dresses and the best one to Kendall ,"oh ash this one is really pretty and adorable ...I...I don't have words " she said "thank you Kendall" I was glad she liked it but I was worried that today everything won't go right. Are we going to make it tomorrow ." Hey don't worry " Kendall said as if she could read my mind "I know you are tensed , it's everyone's first day " she made me feel better she was really sweet I guess harry has the right girl .
Kendall went to dress up and all the others too when they came back , they looked good to me , after sometime a girl came and told me that we can go for our trials and rehearse for tomorrow the girl didn't had make up to do today or any other extra thing ,they just had to take a walk in their dresses for trials and see if they are ok with it.
We went on the ramp , Kendall was the last one to go because she was the showstopper and the best . After Kendall had done she has to take me on the ramp . We all did our rehearsal and it went really good . Now I had to decide the make up they will wear and the neck pieces and ear piece other stuff. I went with light make up not so heavy my dresses mostly had blue and purple so went mostly with them . We all had everything done , and the last thing we had to do was wait .... wait till tomorrow for the big day .

I and Kendall went home and I had a call from Veronica , I told her about my big day tomorrow and she was really happy I haven't talked to her for day and that call helped me a lot , I think that even god nows that we can make each other feel better all the time.
I was sitting in my room ,just before Kendall came in . " hy , I wanted to ask you do mind ,if I call some of my friends ,tomorrow night " she asked
" you can , I mean why are you asking me " it was funny of her asking me ,that question , why would I object on that, she just nodded and went back , we all had our dinner and were on our beds pretty early .

The next morning was really a different one , I had a big day . I and Kendall got dressed , I just wanted to figure out some things and then rested on the couch . We had time , so just decided to rest. Boys had a off today , as it was Saturday and they had no designer , I was joining them on Monday . Zayn and loui passed smiles to eachother after a call then Niall , Liam and harry too . I don't know why they acted to different ,I at
Last asked them " was up with you all , why are all smiling "
" nothing , Niall said "
I looked at zayn and he turned his face. I don't know what's up with them but something weird .
After sometime the door bell rang , and zayn went to open it .
" Are you busy?" Someone said from back , the voice , it was familiar .............. and I knew who is was .......I turned to see her........Veronica .........
I didn't think , I just jumped from the couch and hugged her really tight . She was there ,next to me, I missed her so much . "Veroni ....you here, how ? You didn't told me , you were coming , how ? ... I ..." I didn't let her say anything just hugged her once more.
" surprise , surprise " zayn said
" we all knew you were missing her and last night Veronica told me that , she is returning today , so we planned to surprise you" zayn said
" zayn it's the best surprise , I have got ever" I hugged him
" save your words and hugs ,cause it was Harry's idea " zayn told , I looked at harry and nothing came to my mind , I just jumped and hugged him too , he almost balanced himself to stand straight . " that was for my little princess " he said , I don't know if he said it normally or...... forget it Veronica is here . We all sat on the couch and talked for hours until Kendall reminded me of the fashion week and we had had to leave . One more thing zayn ... he looked extra happy , after Veronica had come , I know he fancies her , he should tell her .....
I left for the place and boys and Veronica told that they will come afterwards.

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