Confusion (1)

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Hy!! It's my first story.....
I hope you enjoy.....

Harry Styles
Veronica (Ash's Friend)
Zayn Mallik
Liam Payne
Louis Tomlinson
Niall Horan

Ash who has been playing basketball for 7 years but had become a fasion designer as was sifted to Uk. She was going to work at the position of vice president in a very known company .

Ash's POV

I woke up in the mid night. For some mid night snacks. My usual habbit. I pulled  cheese slices from the refrigerator and two slices of bread. I made myself a sandwich and continued to my room a moment later I heard some sounds commoning from the entrance of my house . I just peeked out of the window and saw two guys laughing loudly ,they both seemed to be very happy. I didn't took that so seriously and started to my room again. I went to sleep and then heard the bell ring. I got downstairs and opened the door to see the same two guys. The one with green eyes said " Hy, can we stay here until the rain stops" . I said them a yes and was about to close the door but got intruped by a soft voice , it was a girl she said " Oh,  Hy I'm with them " the two boys nodded as I let her in. 

I turned and the one with black  hair said  he was really good looking " Hy I am Zayn " and the one with curls and green eyes said " my name is harry " and then the girl told her name was Rose.
I greeted my self " My name is ash "
harry thanked me to let them stay. I asked them if they needed coffee or towel as they looked a little wet. Zayn  and harry refused but Rose was much wet so I gave her the towel. We sat at the fire place and  I asked they what the did , they looked at me as if I was crazy , a second rose asked me " You really don't know who they are?" As soon as she questioned me harry raised him eyebrows and said " Really ? " I refused agian.  Harry asked if I was new to this place I said " Yes just a month had been to me when I sifted from india. 

"Oh that's the reason for you to not knowing them, although I can't imagine any girl for refusing to know them " Rose said. I was a little confused and asked who were they Rose " They are the members of the biggest band on the planet , One Direction  "  my mind stressted on the word one direction as at the time I was in college I heard many girls talking about this band but I never got intrused in these thing  , because I was busy in my sports that time and my will to become a Fashion designer.
                                        Harry asked if I heard any of their song I said " I may have coz many girl in college were insane about you all which included my best friend "
He nodded and I when to the kitchen. To make some coffee when I returned I saw zayn was asleep on the sofa and Rose head on his lap. Harry was still awake in that dim light of my lamp he looked adorable his eyes landed on me then the coffe I had in my hand. " Thank you,  I needed this, I hope you Don't mind them sleeping here " harry said as he took the cup from my hands. " No problem " I said sitting on the other sofa where harry already had a place for himself. We finished and had talks.                                      After the talks i saw the clock it was pretty late I asked harry if he wants some blankets cause the rain was to heavy and I didn't saw it for stopping this night. He said yes and I handed him a blanket told him that he could sleep in the guest room. He said " Um..can I sleep in your bedroom" my body had got freezed and a moment later I realized him walking towards me just then he stopped. He was taller then he seems from a distance. He cupped my chin and tilted it up so that my eyes meet his. " Can I ? " I said no and he frowned he kissed on the cheek and a sensation runned through my body.
His one hand moved to the lower part of my back and he pushed me more closer his lips went to my ears and his free hand griped my waist and said " I hope that happens, one day" I pushed him back as sign of refuse and said " I think you sould sleep now " he started at my room and got into the bed. I was still feeling his hand gripping my waist a minute later I was asleep.
I woke up and got down stairs I saw that Rose has left zayn  said "Good morning " and harry winked at me  as if reminding me what he said last night.

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