Chapter 8: I am so proud of you

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 "I swear I'm gonna kill the son of a bitch"! Dean shouts.

 "Are you sure that you heard that correctly"? Roman questions.

 "Yes I'm sure. Who the fuck bets on fucking a chick now a days"? Dean shouts and yes I stood there in my doorway with the door cracked listening. "He is gonna fuck with her mind and heart just to end up broken in the end and then I'm gonna rip the fuckers head off" Dean spits.

"I don't see why your making a big deal out of it. It's not the first time they made bets on who was gonna fuck one of the divas anyhow"? I hear Roman say and that peeked my interest even more. *Who are they talking about* I think to myself.

 "I don't know man. If it was someone else I probably wouldn't even care" he replies.

 "You wanna know what I think"? Roman ask's.

 "No" Dean replies and they start walking again, "Fine yes I do".

 "I think your thinking with the right head this time" Roman say's earning a confused look from Dean. Roman rolls his eyes "Really dude" he laughs "Your thinking with your brain and not your dick for once and I would go as far as to say our little Dean may have a crush" Roman picks at him.

 "Nah it ain't that..I don't know how to explain it" Dean says as they walk through the door back into setup.

 I hear the door close so I continue my walk to the front. *Who the fuck were they talking about*? I ask myself. I stop in tracks "Mother fucker" I say. "Beth and Seth! So help me god if he hurts her I'll kill him" I begin talking to myself as I walk. "Wait a second" I stop walking, "Who has he made a bet with? and does Dean have a crush on her"?. I shake my head and make it to the front lobby *Looks like I'm gonna be on guard and keep her away from Seth*. I walk up to the receptionist desk "Hey Alex how is it going"? the receptionist ask's. "Eh been alright I guess, hey um has a package came for me"? I ask. "Oh yea, it just got here" she turns grabbing the cardboard box and hands it to me. "Awsome! Thank you very much" I thank her. "Your welcome sweetie".

  I'm walking my way back to my room so I can get ready for the show and give Beth her gift. As I'm putting on my black and gold NXT tank top  and skinny jeans I begin thinking about the perplexing conversation that I had over heard Dean and Roman were having earlier. I'm lost in my thoughts trying to figure out who it could possibly be that they were talking about when a knock at the door pulls me out of my thoughts. I pause my laptop that I had music playing in the background while I was getting ready and went over to the door. "Who is it"? I ask. "Your favorite Irishman" I hear Sheamus. I open the door to his smiling face.

 "Damn, thought it was hornswoggle" I joke.

 "Hey now" he laughs giving me a hug walking in.

 "What's up Casper"? I ask.

 "Well what are you doing Friday night"? he looks down at me.

 "Nothing, why"? I ask.

 "A bunch of the rookies and The Shield and I are going out to a club that night and I was just wondering if you wanted to go with us" he almost stumbles over his words.

 "Oh um, I'm not really the party type" I respond and his turns into one of disappointment "But I guess I could make an exception" I giggle.

 His face lights up "Really? Great, I'll pick you up about 8 is that okay"?

 "Sounds like a plan" I smile. Another knock comes at the door just as I'm walking him over to it. I open it and see Beth with a *Ohhhh did I interupt* look on her face. 

 As she steps in my room Sheamus say's "I'll leave you lass's to it then" and he smiles closing the door.

 "Spill it"!!!!! Beth screams.

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