Chapter 22

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I turned around in time to see the erumpent bellow madly and charge towards Jacob, who let out a wail and ran away out of the entrance of the ruined zoo. Even though I saw this coming, all I could do was stand there frozen in shock. 

"Come on Jade. We have to go save him." Newt's voice brought me back to the present and I shook the shock off and ran down the hill after Jacob. Newt was in front of me, running like a madman in pursuit of the erumpent. 

When I got outside, I saw many things. Jacob was slipping down a snow-covered hill, the erumpent still hot on his trail, and Newt wrestling with a monkey, who somehow had gotten hold of his wand. Goodness gracious, I thought as I set off down the hill, following Jacob, assuming Newt could deal with a monkey by himself. 

When I got to the bottom of the hill where Jacob was, I looked up to see Jacob hanging from a tree branch for dear life, while the erumpent was pawing at the base of the tree in frustration. She then dug her horn into the trunk and it bubbled with a glowing liquid. The erumpent stepped back, as if admiring her work, as the bottom of the tree exploded and the whole tree crashed to the ground. Though it didn't crush Jacob, it did throw him from the tree branch and he rolled down the hill onto the frozen lake. At this point I'm too caught up in the craziness of the pursuit to notice Newt had obtained his wand and was speeding down the hill and slid on his knees, case open in hand. The erumpent was just about to reach out and lick Jacob when she was sucked into the case and Newt closed to lid, looking triumphant. 

I ran down the hill but being the clumsy person I am, I slipped and slid on my stomach across the ice towards Jacob and Newt. Man is ice cold against your stomach. 

"Whoa be careful there love," Newt said, taking my hand and helping me up. All I could do was blush and stare up into Newt's eyes. Did I mention they were as blue as an ocean? We stayed silent for a while, just studying one another's face, until Jacob coughs awkwardly, causing us to pull away from each other quickly, not looking at the other. 

"Well." I cleared my throat, trying not to make things more awkward. "That was one chase you had."

"Yeah. Good show Mr, Kowalski," Newt said brightly.

"Please," Jacob said. "Call me Jacob." He stuck his hand out for Jacob to shake. 

"Well only one more left right?" I asked as we slid back across the ice under the bridge and Newt opened his case for all of us to enter, motioning for us to follow him. 

"Yup only one more," he beamed slightly he lead the way down the ladder into his case. Although, unbeknownst to us, we were being watch closely as the lid shut behind us. 


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the really long hiatus. Also sorry this chapter is super duper short. I just didn't have that much inspiration to write this. Not that I'm super inspired now but I thought y'all deserved an update after waiting so patiently. So here it is! Remember to comment things I could change or spelling errors and remember to vote if you want to too. I'm also thinking of rewriting this story, maybe during winter break when I have time. What do y'all thing?Thanks! ~G

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