Chapter 2 ~ Newt Scamander

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{Edited though maybe not very thorough :)}

I was walking down the halls during a free period, reading a book I got from the library about different magical creatures and uses for them. I was so engrossed in this book that I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped straight into a girl. Normally if I bumped into someone, they would just walk away muttering about how weird I was. But she didn't do that, even though I properly knocked her down and dropped my book on her.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry," I apologized as I offered her a hand, but when she didn't accept it, my hand found its way to the back of my neck, a habit I've acquired when I get nervous.

"Oh it's fine," she said, picking herself up and brushing herself off. She picked up my book that I dropped in the frenzy and looked at the cover. "You like magical creatures?" She asked as she handed me the book. When I took the book from her, I took that time to look up at her, as I've been staring at the ground in embarrassment. She had quite a pretty face, with long brown hair and hazel green eyes that shone in the light. She was quite a bit shorter than I was, but I am almost 6 foot. From the look of her outfit, she was a Ravenclaw. Overall quite pretty. I could feel a blush rising if I stared at her for too long.

"Hello?" She said snapping in front of my face, causing me to come back to reality and a blush to rise in my cheeks.

Why am I blushing so much? I thought as I ran my hand through my hair uncomfortably.

"S-sorry," I stuttered. "Must have spaced out," I said, giving her a sheepish smile, causing her to smirk slightly at me. "Anyways," I said taking a deep breath. "To answer your question, yes...I love magical creatures," I said a little too quickly.

"Really?" She said, her eyes lighting up, not noticing my sudden outburst. "I do too. This book is definitely one of my favorites."

"Yeah I've read it about a million times," I exclaimed, smiling at her, becoming more comfortable talking to a pretty girl like her. "Oh by the way, I never got your name."

"Oh yeah. My name's Jade. Jade Russel."

That's a nice name I thought to myself.

"Pleasure to meet you. My name's Newt. Newt Scamander," I said, sticking my hand out to shake hers.

"So you like magical creatures huh?" She said, more to herself rather than to me.

"Yeah they've always been my favorite. I believe that all creatures deserve a fair judgment and shouldn't be judged for myths about their species," I said, excited I got to share my passion of magical creatures with someone else.

"Yeah I agree completely. What's your favorite creature?" She asked.

"My favorite is the bowtruckle. I've read about how amazing and useful they are but I've only seen them once in the wild before. What's yours?"

"My favorite is the winged horse, specifically the Abraxan Winged Horse. They just seem so majestic when they're flying," Jade said, her green eyes shining with excitement.

I was just about to respond to her when the bell rung, signaling the end of our free period and the indication to start heading to our next class.

"Oh what a shame," I said. "I could've talked to you about magical creatures forever," I mumbled a little quieter than before.

"Me too. What class do you have next?" She asked, also looking a bit downcast of leaving.

"I have charms. What do you have?" I asked her.

"I have potions. I'll talk to you later. It was nice talking to you Newt," she said as she started walking off, giving me one last smile over her shoulder before turning around and walking to her class.

"Goodbye Jade," I said wistfully, as I too turned around and started walking to charms.

You've interested me Jade Russel.


Heyo! Hope you enjoyed this new part. They're kind of just filler chapters maybe for the next two or so but then it'll hopefully get a little more exciting. Remember to comment anything I should change or suggestions for the upcoming chapters, that would be great! Also remember to vote! I hope you enjoyed! ~G

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