Chapter 8 ~ Newt Scamander

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I can't believe I got expelled. All because of Leta's stupid experiment. I shouldn't have taken the blame. She needs to learn to stand up to her own mistakes.

I had recently been expelled and didn't have any place to go. I couldn't go to my parents house because they would only yell at me for getting expelled and not taking my education serious enough. I contemplated going to my older brother Theseus' house because he didn't live too far from Hogwarts. I decided that it would be better because he would scold me but not as harshly as mum or dad would.

I had just gotten off the Hogwarts express at the platform nearest to my brother's house. It was about a 45 minute walk from the platform but it was fine since I shrunk my suitcase so it wasn't as heavy to carry.

When I got to my brother's house, it was late afternoon and almost dinner time. I knocked on his door and he opened it, his face changing from a welcoming smile to a surprised look.

"Newton? Is that you?" He said, looking bewildered that I had shown up at his front door. "Why aren't you in school?"

"I got expelled," I muttered, looking at my feet in embarrassment.

"Wow. I didn't expect that. Why don't you come in," he said, letting me in while shaking his head in disbelief.

Theseus' house wasn't huge or anything, but it was cleaned up nicely and very neat and decorated. He gestured for me to sit down and he sat across from me.

"So tell me. Why were you expelled?" He asked, not mad, just curious.

So I started from the beginning about Jade and how I showed her the unicorns and how we became best friends. Then I went on to describing Leta and her horrible plan to get rid of the troll in the forbidden forest, granted it was already supposed to be there in the first place. Theseus just listened and nodded. He looked a little horrified when I told him about the little boy.

After I finished telling him, he sat for a minute before saying, "well Newt. I'm glad you stood up for Leta when she didn't own up to her own mistakes. But it's not good if it got you expelled and not her."

"I know," I sighed. "But I thought that even though she may seem like a terrible person, she deserved to get a full education. Then maybe she can pull her family's reputation together. Anyways thanks for listening, but I'm going to go to my room now. I'm quite tired."

"Alright. Just holler if you need anything," he said, smiling sympathetically. 

I walked upstairs and into Theseus' guest room and sat down on the bed, letting out a defeated sigh. I fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Why me? I thought for the millionth time today.

My thought were interrupted but a tapping on the window. I looked outside and saw a beautiful barn owl hovering right outside my window with a letter grasped in its beak. I let it in and it sat on the desk as I took the letter and opened it. As I didn't have my own owl, I shut the window so I could send it back one I was done writing a response.

As I read the letter, it made me smile. It was from Jade. The letter she wrote was asking me about how I got expelled and that she hoped I had a safe place to stay. I quickly wrote a letter back explaining everything and reassuring her that I was staying at my brother's house and I was safe.

Once her owl was off with my letter in its beak. I lay down on the bed, intending to read up about magical creatures, but instead fell into a light slumber, my dreams filled with Jade and every happy memory we've had together.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this new chapter. I think I'll do one more chapter and then get into following the movie more. I want to thank you for all the reads and votes, it really means a lot to me. I hope you all have a great day, or evening. And I know that if you search who Theseus is on the Harry Potter Wiki page, it says he's a commanding and powerful wizard, but I'm going to portray him as a loving and nice person instead. Thanks for all the support! ~G

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