Chapter 21

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{Edited - sorry it's been so long}

We appeared in Central Park and started running across the bridge when we were almost bowled over by an ostrich running for its life.

"So many near death experiences today," I mumbled to Newt who was running next to me.

As we were running, we could hear a loud rumble coming from the distance inside the animal enclosures.

"Here. Put this on," Newt instructed as he gave Jacob a leather headgear.

"Why on earth would I have to wear this?" He asked, looking bewildered and utterly terrified.

"Because," I intervened. "Your skull is especially susceptible to breakage under immense force...just wear it."

We hurried into the zoo to see it in complete ruins. Jacob was soon also given a leather body protector...just in case.

"Put this on also. There's nothing for you to worry about," Newt said, although I don't think Jacob believed a single word he said.

"And how many people have ever believed you?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

He looked up with a defiant grin on his face. "My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice," he stated proudly, to which I just snickered under my breath.

We continued following Newt through the rubble and soon we saw an Erumpent cornering a terrified hippopotamus.

"She's in season," I whispered to Jacob who looked rather confused. "She needs to mate," I clarified.

I saw Newt take a small vile of something out of his coat pocket. Must be erumpent musk, I thought as Newt dabbed some on his wrists and then handed Jacob the vile before venturing into the zoo.

Then what Newt did, I don't think I could ever describe fully in words. He started performing the erumpent mating ritual, and I have to's much funnier seeing a human attempt to do it.

Newt did a series of grunts, rolls, wiggles, and groans to try and gain her attention. Needless to say, the weird noises worked. She finally turned away from the hippo and directed herself towards Newt. They circled around each other, each doing weird movements, and the erumpent rolled, moving closer and closer to the open case that Newt placed open on the ground.

"Come on, almost there," I mentally willed the erumpent from my place on the side of the area.

Things were going great and she was almost in the case when suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jacob smelling the musk. I also saw a seal and having just flung the fish at Jacob's head, it hit Jacob causing him to spill the musk all over the front of him. The winds changed and the erumpent rolled the other way away from the case and faced Jacob, snorting and pawing at the ground. I turned and glared at the seal, who just looked and scampered away.

The little bugger. What have you done Jacob?  I thought as I prepared myself for what was about to happen...and it wouldn't be pretty.


A/N: Hey guys! Long time no speak I suppose. Sorry I've like fallen off the face of the earth and haven't uploaded in like a month. The end of school's been pretty stressful but now that it's summer, I'll hopefully be able to update this more regularly and hopefully finish this story before summer ends. But anyways hope you enjoyed it. Remember to vote and comment suggestions for my writing and share it with friends if you deem it worthy enough! Also you can add it to your reading lists so you'll always know where to find it! ~G

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