Chapter 4 ~ Newt Scamander

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"Where is it, where is it?" I muttered as I hastily sifted through a pile of books. I was trying to find one of my books on magical creatures that I had previously read, but was having no luck in finding it.

"Having trouble there?" A coldly familiar voice caused me turn around sharply, knocking over some books in the process.

"L-L-Leta?" I stuttered. "W-What are you doing here?"

"I was just passing by when I saw you struggling to find something and thought I'd drop in to say hello. We haven't spoken much, Newt," she said, pretending to look hurt. But I could see through her disguise.

"There was a reason for it," I muttered under my breath.

Leta Lestrange was the type of person where you always have to be on your guard. She'd pull you into things with her words and innocent personality, until she gets caught and abandons you. That's why I ended it with her...she would always get me in trouble and then come crying back, saying it was an accident. And I would always forgive her...which was a mistake. The only reason why I helped her in the first place was because she was the only person I knew who was interested in magical beasts and we shared our love for the animals together.  But that interest was gone in her, replaced by the desire to take advantage of my knowledge and use it for her own good.

"Why did you really come here Leta? Don't you have anything better to do than bother a poor Hufflepuff like myself? Harass a Gryffindor why don't you, isn't that what all Slytherins do best?" I asked dryly, turning around fully to face her and raise an eyebrow at her.

Leta looked hurt. "I'm surprised at you Newton. You've always been open to helping me. What's changed?"

"What's changed is that you don't care anymore. Not about me, my creatures, anyone!" I snapped, a little surprised about the sudden outburst that came out.

"But I do care Newt," she said, walking forward to grab my hand only for me to step back and snatch my hand away.

"No you really don't," I said, determined to stay civilized about this. "What about all those times you've endangered the lives of my animals. You didn't seem to care then."

"Well those were just mistakes," she soothed, her voice softening to just above a whisper. "Besides," she said, wrapping her arms around my shoulder, much to my dismay. "You wouldn't leave a poor girl and her injured creature alone, would you?"

I knew that look anywhere. And I wasn't going to fall for it again. "No. I wouldn't," I said softly. She smiled thinking she's won. "But knowing you there probably isn't even an injured animal," I said looking her sternly in the eyes.

"I can't do this anymore," I said, grabbing the book I was looking for and pushing past Leta, towards the doors. I looked back and saw Leta standing alone. Don't even think about it I thought to myself as I walked down the hall towards the great hall. I sat down at the Hufflepuff table and put my head in my hands. It's been a long day I thought dejectedly.


Oh boy some drama up in here ;) BTW I don't actually know the relationship between Newt and Leta Lestrange so I just made this up as I went. Please don't hate lol. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this new chapter. Comment what you think Newt will do to Leta. I'd like to see what you guys think. Remember to comment corrections if I got anything wrong and I'd be happy to revise. And once school starts up again on Monday, you will be sure that I'll update at least once a week but not everyday like I've been doing. And thanks so much for over 400 reads. That's amazing!! ~G

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