Chapter 1 ~ Jade Russel

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Hello there! My name is Jade Russel (picture in chapter heading) and I'm a 5th year Ravenclaw in the best school ever, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm kinda that stereotypical long brown hair, beautiful green-eyed genius in Ravenclaw that everyone envies. Okay maybe not to that much of an extent but I am at the top of all of my classes and I enjoy all of my classes. But my one favorite class that I love is Care of Magical Creatures (CMC).

When I was little, I would always go out in the forest near my parent's house with my family and I would just be drawn to the animals in the forest. The squirrels, the birds, the foxes, you name it. It was like I had a special connection with them and I could understand them, like they were a part of me. That was when I knew what my passion in life was. My passion was to travel the world and study these creatures, and maybe discover new ones.

As of right now I've started keeping a journal about all the animals I've encountered and I've logged them and done rough sketches of what they looked like. Most of them are just general woodland creatures like different kinds of squirrels, birds, and other things. But I've come across some different magical creatures. I've encountered some unicorns, bowtruckles, and even a hippogriff. But I hope to come across more and more amazing and magical creatures.

Anyways enough about my personal life. Let's go back to my school life, as that's the only life I'll ever have right now (sadly that's very true in real life too). I'm mostly a quiet and reserved person with a few friends but those friends are very close to me and I value their friendship. There's one girl though that's like a sister to me. We can share practically anything with each other and I talk to her the majority of the time. Her name is Lily Devlin and she's a couple months older than I am. She has long strawberry blonde hair and a fair complexion with striking blue eyes. She's completely opposite of me in terms of personality. She's always very out there and enjoys making new friends and going on dates and partying until midnight, etc. But we've known each other since we were super young as our parents were friends before either of us were born. So that's how we ended up hanging out, even though we seem like polar opposites. I would do anything to help her if she was in trouble and she would do the same for me.

Also our ambitions in life are somewhat different as well. She's the best in potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA) so she wants to go into the ministry of magic and become an auror and arrest people for breaking the laws of magic. I want to go into the care of magical creatures department. But we said that we could help each other later in life because even though I'm at the top of my class, she still understands way more about potion brewing and cures than I could even imagine.

But now that you know a bit about me, my story is what is even more exciting about how I learned to find my feet in the magical community and set my feet on the right path in life.


Hey guys! I'm just going to put this out there to see who's interested in it and if I should consider doing more of it or not. For this story I'm going to alter point of views between Jade and Newt until they come together in later chapters and then it'll be like a narrative type thing. I hope this isn't too confusing but if it is, remember to comment on it telling me, as well as any suggestions or things I should change that don't pertain to the Fantastic Beasts movie. I'll try to update hopefully everyday because I'm off for thanksgiving. I hope you enjoyed the movie as J.K. Rowling did amazing on it and I hope you enjoy this story! ~G.

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