Chapter 11 ~ Jade Russel

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[Time skip]

As time went by, I slowly forgot about my sorrow about being separated from Newt. We slowly stopped sharing letters with each other until one day they stopped all together. I think I'm back to my old bubbly self, though some days I still feel down about Newt's absence from my life.

The letter I received was a letter from the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA) inviting me to join the beast department in New York City. Of course I took the job opportunity, always looking for other ways to work with magical beasts. It was quite fun actually. I got to work with the different beasts and study them and journal them and just interact with them.

Before I started working for MACUSA, I took the opportunity to travel the east coast and go around collecting some creatures in the USA and record them in my journal. Once, when I was in Pennsylvania, I found a hurt and beat up bowtruckle and decided to take it in. I put her in my coat pocket so she could stay warm and decided to name her Sydney. She was a little shy before but now we're best friends and I trust her with all of my secrets I tell her.

I met someone else who works for MACUSA, or rather worked for MACUSA as she got fired for threatening a women in front of her crazy mob of followers, Mrs. Barebone. This lady's name is Porpentina Goldstein, nicknamed Tina. She and I have become very close friends and I've also become close with her sister, Queenie. Tina let me live with her and Queenie in the busy city of New York and in return I help them around the house and out in the shops too. So far Tina and Queenie are the only people who know about and have seen my creatures that I've collected over the years.

The place where I keep my creatures is in a backpack/purse that I always carry around (picture in chapter heading). I put an extra large undetectable extension charm on it and a sealing charm on the zips and the bag itself as to ensure that none of my creatures could ever get out and terrorize the muggles. I've designed different habitats for the creatures I've collected and some extra for new creatures I find later. And no one knows about it except for me and Tina and Queenie.

"Hey Jade. Do you want to go out and get a hotdog with me?" Tina called. "I've been craving one for a while."

"Why don't you just make one here?" I asked, confused.

"Because I'm craving one made authentically. Not one made by magic. Please?" She looked at me pleadingly.

I thought for a minute before saying, "yeah sure. I'll come with you." I grabbed my bag, a coat, and some muggle money before joining Tina by the front door.

"Hey Queenie we're going to go out for a bit. See you later?" Tina said to Queenie, who was sewing a dress in the other room.

"Okay. Have fun guys," she said without looking up from her delicate work at hand.

We walked out the door and into the busy throng of people in New York City. I was used to it now, but when I first arrived, the crowds of people would usually overwhelm me. I've lived here for a couple years now and had gotten used to the hustle bustle of the streets. Though I do feel sorry for the newcomers of New York.

That's why I felt sorry for a guy in a long blue coat and reddish brown curls atop his head as he got pushed around in the crowd that was gathering around one of Mrs. Barebone's normal assemblies in the streets. She was preparing to give yet another one of her speeches about exposing witchcraft here in the USA. I looked a little closer at the guy and he seemed oddly familiar but I couldn't quite put a finger on it.


Jade finally sees Newt after like 15 years!! I hope you liked this new chapter. I'm starting to try to tie the actual plot line of the movie into my story so I hope it's transitioning alright. If it's ever confusing, then just comment and I'll try to fix it for you guys. Remember to continue commenting and voting as it means a lot to me! And remember to comment ways to include the plot line of the movie into my story if you come up with a good idea. Thanks! ~G

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