Chapter 29

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"I see you are wearing the Christmas present I sent you." That voice! I turned around to him and he has never changed except expanding his muscles. He was in a baby blue button shirt, blacks slacks and black dress shoes holding a Scotch in his hand. His hair was messy but neat.

"So it was you that sent the dress to me even though it was Rachel."
"Well I wanted to see you in something beautiful, that would take my breath away."
"You're a fucker! I can't believe I can to this party in favor of my family."
"Ah. Family. You know your little sister is a little feisty. I think I will make her my new toy."

I marched in front of his face and slapped the Scotch out of his hands. The glass shattered on my feet and spilled on my feet.

"I see you haven't changed from your feistiness. I miss that. Even this incredible body of yours." He placed his around on my lower back but I loved it away.
"What makes you think I won't tell everyone what you did to me and my sister just now?"
"Because I know your scared. I can tell your body misses me deeply. I know I have."
"Well I haven't. I'm engaged to married."
"And what's that to me?"

He moved closer to my face. I placed my fist in his stomach pushing him away to keep his distance. "Stay away from me. And my sister. If you think of taking advantage of her, I will tell everyone what you did." I walked away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a corner having me face the wall.

My arms spread above my head and was grabbed tightly by his grip. I struggled a little and he pressed my body against the wall.
"You think I'm afraid of you? I have my ways with people who like to snitch on me for something I didn't also enjoy. You remember the way I made you feel, the my dick was pounding deep inside of you, making you call out my name over and over again till you couldn't breathe. I can feel your body quiver under my touch. You may say something's but remember your body says a different story. Beside I have a little footage for insurance."

"What are you talking about?"
"A little home entertainment of our like play time. It actually quite enjoyable."
"You're sick!"
"Ah ah! I'd watch that mouth of yours. The only think I want to hear come out of your mouth is you screaming and moaning."

I pulled away from him but still ending up having my back against the wall facing towards him. He fucking disgusted me.
"I hardly remember you being this beautiful. This dress is covering up all those curves. How I wish to take this off you and fuck you in front of everyone."
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" Will shouted at him throwing him off at him. I fell to the ground crying and holding my chest. My heart was racing from the adrenaline and fear.

"Ah, the man of the hour. I was just admiring your lovely woman in this dress."
"Stay the fuck away from her and don't ever come near here or else you will regret it."
"I'm looking forward to it."

Will grabbed my hand and we walked through the house. I didn't even feel like myself, my mind was scrambling and my body felt weaker than ever. I loosen my grip on his hand then my eyes were starting to get dark. I stopped and Will turned to me. I couldn't see him. Suddenly...I fainted.

We were waiting in the waiting room of the hospital. She just passed out of nowhere. What was really going on with my sister? I'm worried about her.

My mom, Will and my grandparents were here praying and hoping she is ok. My phone was vibrating all night long , from an unknown number. I know who it is. Trevor. He is unlike any guy I have every met in my life.

I miss you.
I can't stop thinking about you.
I want to fuck you so hard right now.

His messages were making me so wet, my dress and thighs were feeling slippery and damp. I exhaled hard and then the doctor came in. My mom stood up and Will holding her hand tightly.

"How is she?" my mother asked in fear.
"She is ok. But there is something you need to know." the doctor was beginning to scare all of us. What happened to my sister?!
"What is it, Doctor?"
"She's pregnant."

The whole room went silent and a series of questions being asked. But why would they? Buy and Will have always been together and of course they live together so constant sex would happen.

"Congratulations, Will. You're gonna be a father." my mom said hugging him. I couldn't tell if he was either happy or upset from the look in his face. He hugged her back but quickly and kinda pushed her away. He walked out the room and didn't say a word. I followed him and found him with his back against the wall.

"Will, what's going on with you? You should be happy."
"It's not that."
"What's really going on with you two? Cause ever since we got to Rachel and Trevor's house..."

Whoa! What was that about?! I just said Trevor's name and he went off. Whats his deal with him?
"Blue, stay away from him. He will take advantage of any woman he lays eyes on."
"What are you talking about? He's a sweet guy." He turned his attention to me and moved away from the wall.
"He's already fucked you, hasn't he?"

I breathed heavily and my heart began racing. My legs began to shake, he was scaring me. I shook my head no and Will stared deep in my eyes.
"Will, you are scaring me." I whispered.
"What happened?"
"Stop lying. I can smell his cologne on your dress and your neck. Tell me now or I find out the hard way."

My eyes soon watered wanting to cry but I didn't want to make myself look weak and scared. My head fell down and nodded yes. I cried louder and he opened his arms to hug me.

"How long has he?"
"Ever since I got back from my trip. I came to visit Blythe to see if she was with them but he said she left early due to family emergency. Rachel wasn't even there or the kids, not even their maids. He and I were alone in the house. He made conversation with me about school, life, myself and mostly about Blythe. Then he asked me if I had a boyfriend. I told him no then he asked was I a virgin. I told him I was and saving it for someone special."
"Then what?"

We walked over to the chairs across Blythe room and I continued telling him the story.
"He, uh, put his hand on my thigh moving up my shirt. I tried to stop him but he was so dominant and stronger than me. I screamed but he kept covering my mouth. He told me 'I can make you feel special if you allow me to take you.' I wanted to say no but I gave in." I covered my eyes and cried even more.

"What did you tell him about Blythe?"
"Everything about her. Why was he so interested in her?"
"Because she was the job for him."

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