Chapter 1

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*One Year Ago*

Blythe POV

"Derek Damien." The crowd applaud when his name was called and so on. Well as you know, today I graduate from high school. Finally. Going to same school for four years was cool but with the same annoying people. Haha!! I'm just kidding I loved my school, I was mostly know for some stuff.

Ok, I lied a lot of things. Dance, Music, Basketball, Flag Football, Singing, Drama, Art, Writing and just being my myself. Being a multi talent person is easy but to decide what you want to be when you grow up, its hell on earth. So many choices but you can't choose one.

"Heather Damon." And she waltz up like a little princess. She I go way back to elementary. We were friends until her brother had a major crush on me just because I saved him from getting beat up buy these other girls his sister was in a group with. But if you see what he looks like now, its like Channing Tatum and Dwayne Johnson mix together. Damn!

"Blythe Daniels". Oh that's me! I walk up on stage and all my class even teachers cheer loudly for me. I feel like I'm freaking Beyonce here. Its funny to me how I wasn't chosen Valedictorian even though I made all A's and B's. But being on the honor roll, getting Most Likely to Succeed Award, Triple Threat Award, Best Smile and even a half a million dollar scholarship to NYU is FUCKING AMAZING.

"William Drakes." Oh God! The man of the hour. On by the way, that Will. My best friend since birth and have HUGE crush on him. We have done almost everything together. No we didn't have sex, but we always talked about doing it. I mean just to ride it, let it drive me crazy, just take over, take over...TAKE OVER! Whoa! Blythe, snap out of it! Sorry you had to see that. He was the real jock at the school but he was always so nice and sweet, even though he has a look that looks that he can really just fuck the shit out of you. But get to know him, he is amazing, just perfect. I bet you guys he got me something maybe a giant teddy bear with a dozen roses and my favorite chocolates, Yorks. ;)

Once our principal, Mrs. Young, made her hour and long speech, you know the funny thing is that she has always done speeches and never really finish them until the day is almost over. But hopefully, the staff convinced her to keep it under ten minutes. Literally.

"Class of 2012! You made the journey. Completed all the hard work that was given to you and for that we are all proud of you. As you go out an conquer the world, remember its ok at make mistake because we can always turn back around and go down the right path. Congratulations Class of 2012!" Thank You God!

The whole stood up and through oh caps up to the ceiling of the auditorium. To see the color of blue and white flying up, it was truly a great thing to see. I have finally graduated. PARTY TIME!!

We all walked out and mostly everyone came crying to me saying they will miss me, love me and begging for my number to stay in contact with them. We took picture, still signing yearbooks and finally saying our last goodbyes.

The one sight I really wanted to see was my family. My mom came with tears rolling down her cheeks like rain drops, my dad with bouquet of colorful flowers and my younger sister, Beau, with her arms wide open. We all did a group hug and cried. I was going to be the first one to being going to a real college and to get a Bachelor to Master Degree in four years, major in Media Journalism and minor in Dance.

"Oh Blythe! My baby, I'm so proud of you. Congratulations." My mom cried squeezing me so tight to where I couldn't breathe. But you can't lie she gives the best hugs in the world. But the saddest thing is my parents are divorced and my dad moved out to New York and he's the one that got me into this school, but I told both of them face to face to at least be nice to each other.
"Congrats, baby girl." My dad gave me the bouquet and kissed my cheek and also handing me a card. I know for a fact he put a check in here. He always give me money every month.

"Thank you guys. I love you so much." I smiled and just didn't know what else to say. "So where we going to eat? Cause I am starving!"
"Well, turns out Will's family has invited us for a graduation party at his house."

But before she could finish her sentence, someone covered my eyes making my vision go black. I gasped and turned to see it was Will. He was so silly, always tries to trick or surprise me.

"William, stop! Don't do that you scared me!" I laugh then jumped in his arms. He spined me around with lags wrapped around him and holding on tight to him. My parents know everything about how I feel about him and our friendship, so they were cool about except Beau, she always comes a little too head strong about this.
"Congratulations, Bly!"
"Congratulations to you too, Will!"

He finally put me down and without a fare warning he turned and pulled out...yep you guess it and y'all owe me $10, a giant tan color teddy bear, with dozen stem roses and three packs of York chocolates. I screamed and jumped back in his arms again. He is just the best!

I know what y'all must be thinking...why don't you just date him already? Well because I don't want to kill his game I mean he has girl falling to his feet...and his dick. But I don't want to be, well, let's say its more up to him.

"Oh Will, you didn't have to do that! This is too much!"
"Well I wanted to do something special for you, my best, most adorable best friend. Beside I knew you wanted this ever since we went to Costco."
"Ok, you need to stop ready my mind like that, Professor Xavier. But I love it, very much." I wrapped my arms around him again then kissed him on the cheek.

And you want to know something, I felt a little firework in my stomach when my lips touched his skin. It was a gunshot that sparks fireworks instead of bullets.

"William! Your mother and your family invited us to your graduation party." My mom said trying to stop this hug I was enjoying.
"Well, it actually a party for both me and Bly. Since knowing her so well, I wanted to do something for her and her family too."
"Aw, well how sweet." She blossomed with a glow in her cheeks

While my mother continued talking to William and Beau stuck on the phone like nerd stuck playing his XBox playing Mortal Combat, my dad got yet another call from either two people...his office or that tramp Eliza I didn't like.
"I'm on my way." He said on the phone then walking over to me.

"Let me guess, you have to get back to Eliza."
"Its actually and emergency, she's in labor." I didn't even know she was pregnant yet I don't really fucking care. I knew about her when my father disappeared for a year from me and my mom.
"Congratulations. You're gonna be a dad. Again."
"I'll make it up to you. I promise."
"As if I have never heard that before." I turned away from him. He touched my shoulder and kisses the back of my head.

I could hear he footsteps walking away from as if it was in one of those dramatic movies.

"Well we better get going. Blythe. Come on!" My mom called me. I wasn't going to let that asshole of a father ruin my day. I walked over to them and I had to hide the shame and disappointment on my face. "Well let's get in the car and we'll head to Will's house."
"Actually, Mom, can I ride with Will?" I could tell she was blushing when I wanted to ride with him. I would be surprise if she thought we would have hot heated sex in his car but trust me that wasn't even the least things i wanted to do. Yet.

I took off my robe and cap letting my black straight hair flow down my shoulders and my short skin tight black dress with one side long sleeve and other side sleeve less. To be honest, I kinda looked like a hooker but mixed with Tyra Banks and Halle Berry. LOL!

I walked over to William's car, yes he has a car, a 1970s Plymouth navy blue with a V6 engine goes to 50 mph in 3.5 seconds. Excuse my fast and furious moment, but me and his dad talked him into getting a classic car. But he liked because of course, me.

I climbed in his car and we took off.

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