Chapter 22

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She woke up screaming and breathing heavily. I touched her shoulder and she turned to me with her face sweating and tears running out of her eyes. She covered her mouth and began crying. I needed to get her away from this place. She has already been through enough.

Morning Time... 9:15am

She was back to sleep peacefully and she hardly moved. God, she was so beautiful. I decided to go back to Rachel and Trevor's house to get here things. I'm gonna take her back home tonight.

I got dressed in a navy blue v neck shirt, black jogger pants, white Nikes and a Fadora hate with a black leather jacket. I grabbed all my things waking back into the bedroom one more time kissing her hair before walking out the door.

The drive was quiet but the thought of what happened to her was bothering. What was she thinking going out there alone? Well to be truly honest it's really my fault because I didn't go out there with her. I'm such an idiot. I pulled into the driveway and saw Rachel was out in the front with a silk shirt robe and a glass of red wine.She had this look on her face as if someone tore her heart out and crushed it.

Stopping the car, I walked over to her and she looked at me trying to smile but I could see the tears in her eyes falling out like bullets being shot through a pistol.

"William, hello. What, what brings you by?"
"I came to get Blythe's things. I'm gonna take her home tonight. I just some stuff back home that is happening."
"How is she?"
"She's ok now. She's resting at the hotel." I looked down at her hand and notice a bruise, bright reddish purple.

"What happened to your hand, if i may ask?"
"Oh, I was playing with the kids and you know they have more energy than me." This didn't look like something the kids would do, it look like she was grabbed roughly by someone with extreme strength.
"Is your husband home?"
"Uh, no. He left about ten minutes ago." I should have know. When she said those words she was trembling in fear. Was he abusing her?

"Rachel, I think there is something you are hiding from me? Can you tell me what it is?" She took a sip of her wine and looked at me.
"I don't know what  is gonna happen to be if I say anything. I can't say anything, for the safety of my children."
"What about your safety, you are their mother. Losing is the last thing they want to happen to you. Is Trevor abusing you?"
"There is more to that man than you think."


I woke up to the other side of the bed empty. I reached for my robe on the chair and notice the room was very quiet. I walked into the living room and saw a note left on the coffee table.

I went back to the house to get your stuff
We will be leaving tonight going back home
I will be back before you wake up

Well you're late.

I walked back into the bedroom then going into the bathroom. I closed the door and began stripping outta my clothes. I notice I had some bruises and scars on my arm, neck and stomach almost reaching my legs. I don't even remember much of what happened that night, but I surely want to forget about it.

I turned on the shower while I was standing in it. The hot water touched my face was relaxing and touching my wounds. I mean they did sting but it was a good sting. I grabbed the soap and began washing myself up.

I suddenly hear the door opened in the living room. He was back! Will. I turned off the water and stepped out the shower. I dried off quickly and through on a XXXL shirt, black bra, black boy short panties and putting my hair in a messy ponytail. I opened the door to the bedroom and he wasn't there. Odd. I heard the cling of glasses and the POP sound of either a champagne bottle or wine.

I was beginning to get scared. I walked through the hallway and a figure was pouring champagne in glasses. He had on a leather jacket, blue jeans and dark shoes. His hair seemed like it was greased back and black. I walked out and the floor made a CREAKING sound, then the man figure stopped pouring.

He turned around and my eyes and heart was frozen on who I was looking out.
"How the fuck did you get in this room?" He chuckled and grabbed the glasses walking over to me. He didn't have a shirt on with his leather jacket.
"Well I wanted to see how you are doing. Cause the way you hit your head and took the fall, ouch. I didn't mean to scare you."

"It was you! You motherfucker!! I could have got a concussion because you!"
"And you didn't, thanks to me. I'm surprised you're not happy to see me baby."
"Don't call me 'baby' and I'm definitely not happy to see you! Get out now before I call security." He stopped for a second placing the glasses on the coffee right next to the note. He took off his jacket and through it on the couch. Looking back at his abs and hard chest was bringing back nightmarish thought but at the same time lustful sensations.

"I know that missed my body. I can't tell the way your standing. You're probably thinking in that beautiful mind of yours, how I use to be on top of you. Your thick chocolate thighs wrapped around my waist, your hands crawling at my back, your hot breath on my skin while my monster cock is pounding you hard over and over and over again. And you begging me not to stop, but you know I never stop until I fully stratify you." His words was like venom that swam through my body. I felt my body heating up from describing what I did feel before and possibly still want. But not with him.

He walked over to me and had me walking backwards until I tripped falling to the ground leaning on the side. My shirt lifted up a little revealing my panties which were damped, soaking wet from his dirty words.

He came down to me and touch in between my thighs. I could feel I was soaking like crazy while he was teasing me with his fingers. My head fell back with the sensation happening. His hands soon gripped on my panties pulling the down. Why wasn't I stopping him? What is happening to me? He licked my thighs then reached down my core, everything went black.

He devoured me making me cum over and over leaving me partially satisfy. I began breathing heavily after cumming again. He crawled on top of me and whipping the nectar off his lips.
"I know you missed that, very much. No one can do it like I can."

"Please you have to stop. I can't do this anymore. Please stop." I began crying knowing I just allowed him to eat me out like this.
"We both know you don't want me to stop. I feel you body trembling and your legs shaking hard. You still want it. Badly." I began shaking my head no and rambling over again to stop and let me go but he didn't.

He carried me to the bed and laid me down. I scrambled a little but he suddenly pulled cuffs outta his back pocket. He chained my wrist together around the bed post. I didn't what to do. I begin panicking. I even began screaming but covered my mouth with a bandanna wrapped around me.

"Oh calm down. We are just getting to the fun part.. I remember when we first did it outside by the pool. You were so fucking sexy the way you moaned in my ear. Do it again for me baby. I promise I'll take it easy on you."

Without warning he stuck it in and I screamed even louder .


I looked around and nobody was around. Just another nightmare. I looked over at the hallway and saw Will packing our bags. Guess he did go to get the rest of my stuff. Why isn't he leaving my head? Get out of my head Trevor now!!


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