Chapter 24

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The semester finally came to an end. Life in New York was a challenge but exciting together but I had Will by my side. My class schedule changed and so did my major.

Daniels, Blythe R.
Film Major
Intro to Creative Writing Mon & Wed. 10:15-11:50
On-Camera Performance. Tues. 1:30-4:30
Intermediate Algebra.         Wed.                1:15-2:15
Screenwriting/Directing.     Thurs.              10:30-1:30

College ain't no joke. But the amount of friends I have and open opportunities into the industry I got, I felt like it was a miracle God has given me or Will has put a good word out for me.

We already started planning our wedding. We decided to get married next year in June on the 18th. Already sent out invitations and started arranging places and stuff for the wedding. This was adventure of a lifetime that is soon to happen for both him and I. Soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Dereks.

It was the holidays and spring semester doesn't start until the middle of February. I already choose my classes and financial aid. Will's dad is always offering to help me but I turned them down because I told him I believe I can do this and surprisingly he believes me and allows it. We planned to go back home and spend time with our families and of course friends.

I drove to our studio apartment that's literally twenty minutes away from the school. The weather here was terrible, it was snowing but it was decent now. I walked up stairs and from the other side of our door, I hear music playing sounded like R. Kelly or Kenny Lattimore. I opened the door and there he was!

Standing their with two glasses of champagne or cider surrounded by lit candles and our luggage packed. God I love this man so much.
"Welcome home baby." he said walking towards me. I closed the door behind and dropped my backpack. He handed me the glass and kissed my lips softly.
"What's the occasion? Did I miss one of our celebrations?"
"No babe, you didn't. We are celebrating our completion of the fall semester of NYU, Christmas time without friends family, the new year and soon the start of our lives together forever."
"Hm, this sounded like a prepared speech."
"Well I did spend almost three hours just to memorize that and get our stuff ready, so yeah." I chuckled and took a sip from the glass. It was apple cider. Yum.

"This is gonna be a good holiday break with our family and friends. At least I can get some girl time and you can definitely catch up with guys, see who's in the Championship for basketball."
"But hopefully I still get time with my soon-to-be wife."
"Well we have plenty of time for that." He took the glass out my hand and removed my scarf and jacket.

"Like right now?" he smirked and looked down at me. I hate it when it does that, it's a major turn on. I wrap my arms around his neck and kissed his delicious lips. His hands came to my ass grabbing it then lifting me up wrapping my thighs around him soon carrying us to the bedroom.

I'm pretty sure you can guess that he was full of energy and extreme stamina driving my body incredibly crazy hitting every sensitive spot, caressing me in the right places and kissing me. We haven't had sex in almost three months and he was definitely on his 'A-Game'. Hope I can at least walk after this.

We laid there in bed and I was suddenly dreaming. This dreamed seemed familiar and felt real. I was running, I couldn't tell from what or who but the place was the school campus on the field. I stopped in the middle of the field and the lights shined on me nearly blinding me and then a figure walks towards me. He was holding something in his hand, couldn't tell what it was. 'You never run from me. I will always be there.' Then suddenly... BOOM!

I woke up gasping and sweating. This dream has happened before and it felt so real like its gonna happen or something. I couldn't tell who this figure was but his voice was devilish and deadly. Will was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him up. I crawled out of bed and threw on one of his tee shirts that had graphic characters on it. I walked out into the living room and grabbed the bottle of apple cider that was still sitting out.

I sat on the couch by the window and looked out to the city. It took me a while to recover after what happened during the summertime. I sometimes still have flashbacks about it especially when I got my check from them. The letter said it was from Rachel, but it wasn't her handwriting and the amount of money was too much. HALF A MILLION DOLLARS?!?! For what? No matter how many times I try to get rid of this money it was already in my account both saving and bank account.

I took a sip of the cider and my mind is swimming with millions of questions wondering how this holiday break was gonna go. I at least should except the good stuff instead of the bad things; gonna see my mom and sister, hang with all my friends and of course, see Will's family too. Yeah, it is gonna be a good holiday.

My phone vibrated from my backpack over and over. I walked over and pulled my phone out. It was an unknown number. They left me three text messages and missed call

*Merry Christmas my dreariest
*Can't wait to see you in the new year
*Have you been naughty or nice this year? Guess we will find out... ;)

Ok, who ever this is they seemed to have the wrong number or this is prank my friends are pulling on me. I deleted the messages and placed my phone face down on the table next to me. I took my last sip of the cider and walked back to the bedroom climbing into bed cuddling up with Will. I wrapped my arms around him and he responded touching my hands and groaning in happiness. Only few hours of sleep before our flight tomorrow.

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