Chapter 2

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Blythe POV

The ride was really quiet, we usually talk about any random thing that comes to our minds. But after my dad just up and walked going to his "new family" it hurt me more. To think my dad is going to be father to a new kid broke me into a million pieces just like a wine glass shattering little diamond crystals.

Suddenly Will pulled the car over to this spot where we sometimes escape from all the bullshit in life. One time we actually made out her almost having sex until we stopped each other. Horny, love-struck virgins. I think he is?

"Bly, what's going on? You should be happy about today. We graduated, we are about to have fun and go to the same college. Wow!"
"I should be. But I'm not." I could feel tears just wanting to pop out my eyes and start a waterfall. "Dad's is gonna be a dad. Eliza is giving birth to a new Daniels."
"Wait a minute? So he just up and left you for this other woman?"
"Oh, come on. You seen this happen before. This isn't the first time. Last time it was for months almost a year. Now he will barely have time with before I go to New York."

"Thought he lives in New York?"
"New Jersey, but his office is in New York. It doesn't matter no more." I covered my face with one free hand, my other was balled up holding onto my deepest anger.

Without a warning, Will touched my leg and pulled my hand away from my face. I'm pretty sure all my makeup was messed. But oh well. He pulled me into his arms and held me. He always knew how to calm me down. Alright, alright...I know the feeling must be building in your heads by now but I can't really see myself with him.

"You know what? Instead of going to that party let's just go out. I'll take you to your favorite places." I held my head up and with my makeup all smeared eyes also soaked up, I was able to smile through it.
"Golden Burgers Extra with A Chocolate Milkshake? Perfect."

We did more than we thought than just get food and drive around. We went to this underground pool we use to sneak off to away from all the crap, surprising they still clean this pool even though no one comes here. Ever.

Sat at the pool and dug into our food and just chilled. It's funny to me how we both just escape from all the live happening to us good and bad. Will's family is one of the wealthiest families in the neighborhood and we been knowing each other since he moved. His house was around the corner from me, it looks like mansion but trust it's a house.

"Bly, can I ask you something?" Will said starting to unbuttoning his crisp white shirt. Bet he is about to get in the pool.

"Depends on what you are about to ask me, but sure."

"Do you like me?" My heart literally skipped a beat or two. Did he seriously just ask me that. Oh, God what do I say? How do you respond to a question like that?

"What do you mean? Like as a friend? A brother?" I tried hard to sound like myself instead of the high-pitched voice developing in my throat. He finished unbuttoning his shirt and took it off showing all his muscles and a tattoo of a cross with wings on his back.

"I mean, are you in love with me?" Oh, God. I'm dead. Should I tell him the truth or should I...No Blythe, you stupid idiot tell him! I didn't say anything because how you do just say 'yes' to a guy you known your whole life, had a crush on since and now going to the same college with you. Oh, grow some balls Blythe. "I guess not." He walked over to the pool and jumped in. I didn't notice he came out of his pants and only wearing his briefs. He same in the water for a couple of seconds until he came up from under the water.

I stood up and started taking my shoes off that were aching my feet, the soon coming up to my dress zipper. I slowly pulled my zipper down then suddenly realizing he was watching me. I looked at him directing and just continued to strip. This seem like a fantasy I was having but it was really happening. He swam over to me and got out of the pool. His blonde hair sticked to his face and drops sliding down his body. God, he is so fucking sexy.

"Can I help you?" He asked me with voice gone deeper than usual as if we was a wild animal waiting to be released from it's cage. I turned around to suddenly feel his wet hands touching the zipper and my back. I could feel the arch in my back forming stronger as he touched my skin. Oh, I growing more wet every second or is that just the water going down my spine?

He pulled the zipper down slowly and finally came to the end. I didn't want him to stop. I could feel his hands moving up to my shoulders and then soon pulling the straps of my dress down the releasing my dress down to my feet. I was in my strapless black bra and silk lace black panties with my back facing him. I turned slowly to him and his hands went directly to my cheeks. To feel his warmth touching me was as if the vampire version of Belle touched Jacob for the first time.

I started deep in his eyes and at that moment all I could say was...

"Yes. Yes. I do" That's all it took before his lips attacked mine passionately. One hand on my cheek while the other was sliding down to my waist. My hands felt frozen and just couldn't move, I couldn't feel them shake but soon moving to his side. I grabbed him closer to me feeling his tongue slip into mine.

I could feel us move over to the pool then we both suddenly fell into the pool together.

I rose out the pool and gasping soon coughing. I looked around the pool trying to find Will as if he disappeared.

"Will? Will! Will!" Then suddenly I felt his come underneath and wrapping my legs around his waist. He continued to kiss me passionately and my back came to the wall of the pool. His lips soon went to my neck making me tremble at his touch. I grabbed his back wanting him to give me more and more.

I moaned at him biting and kissing my neck furiously then soon his hand sliding down to my pearl. I stopped him and was breathing heavily, what just happen was mind blowing.

"Wait Will...we need to take it slow." I trembled again as he didn't fully stop. I gasped out as he touched my pearl and all hell breaks loose.

Hours later, we were laying out of the pool with the rest of our clothes off and him spooning. I couldn't believe it just happened. We literally just did it. He took my virginity, my fantasy just came true. My body was seriously sore and its weird because we did it in the pool mostly before me got out. So many different positions and in almost two hours close to three.

I turned to him and looked at him as he was asleep. He was more worn out than me, I swear he was on his 'A' Game. I touched his face and kissed his lips. His eyes soon opened and he smiled at me.

"I have always wanted to do this with you."


"Yes. Ever since I first saw you, ever since we became friends."

"I guess I didn't have the confidence to tell you that I truly do love you."

"So you do love me?"

"Ever since the day I first met you, Will."

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