7. Abduction

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(F/Name) POV

I lay down on the bed and curl up under the blankets. I feel so lost right now but I should really get some rest; if my nightmare returns then I'll just go and see Jumin, he said it's okay so I'll be fine. I close my eyes and try to distract my thoughts from the current situation when I hear some rustling and a cool breeze blow over me. I open my eyes and notice that the windows, behind the slightly open curtains, are open.

"Probably just the wind." I mutter to myself and close my eyes once more.

"Probably." A voice whispers in my ear and my eyes shoot wide open and I go to scream when a hand covers my mouth.

"MMPH!" I scream into the cold palm.

"I won't let you get away again, you stupid girl." The voice whispers into my ear, aggressively.

"MMPH!" I continue my attempts to scream and throw my arms and legs about everywhere.

The man brings his other hand to his coat and pulls something out of it that reflects the moonlight. Wait, is that, a knife?!

"You're going to do as you're told like a good girl or you're going to get hurt." The man whispers in my ear and rests the sharp end of the blade against my, already cut, neck.

My muffled screams resort to little whimpers and I slowly nod my head.

"Good, now sleep tight." He states and I look at him questionably before he injects something into my neck and I instantly feel drowsy.

Jumin... Please... I think to myself before everything turns black.

Time Skip // Jumin Han POV

I wake up to the sound of knocking on my door.

"Yes?" I call as I climb out of bed.

The door opens and V is standing there.

"Sorry to disturb you this morning but I feel like we have a long day ahead and should really come up with a plan as soon as possible." V explains himself and I nod.

"It's alright, are the others awake?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, I haven't checked their rooms yet." V explains.

"Alright, I'll just get changed and we'll see how everyone is doing." I suggest and V agrees.

"I'll wait outside." V states and leaves.

I get myself dressed in a suit and head outside to find the rest of the RFA standing, talking about the whole situation.

"Is (F/Name) awake yet?" I ask.

"She hasn't left the room." V responds and we all walk over to the guest room where (F/Name) had been sleeping.

I knock on the door but there is no answer.

"(F/Name)?" I call, leaning my ear against the door to listen for any movements on the other side.

I look back at everyone else and they're looking at me just as clueless.

"(F/Name), we're coming inside." I call and open the door, "(F/Nam-)" I begin to call her name when I notice her bed empty.

"Where is she...?" Luciel questions, worry lacing in his voice.

I'm frozen stiff as I stare at the dishevelled blankets on her bed; as I'm staring, I notice something lay on the sheets. I walk towards the bed and freeze once more.

"No...!" I exclaim when I find out what's laying on the bed and my breathing hitches.

All the members of RFA come over and I hear them all gasp. There, laying on the bed where (F/Name) once lay, is an empty syringe and droplets of red liquid.

Jumin Han x Kidnapped! Dying! Reader - Bad Luck [Mystic Messenger]Where stories live. Discover now