4. Safe

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Jumin Han POV

The security guards lead me and the others up to my room where I lay the whimpering girl down on my bed as my doctor approaches her.

"I'm not sure what happened but she should be able to tell you everything; please do everything you can to ensure Miss (L/Name)'s safety." I instruct the doctor and he nods.

"Yes, Sir." He responds.

I leave the room and return back to the rest of the RFA who have been sitting outside in the hallway; they all stand when they see me.

"Is she okay?" Luciel is the first to speak.

"She should be fine." I respond and take a seat myself.

"Do you need me to fetch you anything, Mr Han?" Jaehee asks me.

"A glass of water would be perfect, Jaehee, if you don't mind." I respond.

I notice everyone's eyes widen at the informality toward my assistant, but honestly, I couldn't care less right now; my only priority is (F/Name)'s safety.

"Yes, Sir." Jaehee responds after her moment of shock and leaves to fetch the beverage.

After about 25 minutes, my doctor comes running out of the room and eyes widen at the sight of me.

"Mr Han!" He exclaims and runs over to me as I rise from my seat.

"Doctor, what is it?!" I ask, worriedly.

"Miss (L/Name) is physically stable but her mental state is something I cannot control, she is crying out your name, Sir." My doctor explains and I turn back to the rest of the RFA stood behind me.

"Go, Jumin, she needs you, we'll wait here." V speaks up and Luciel nods in agreement.

"Thank you." I state and run into my bedroom where (F/Name) is sat up, breaking into a sweat, body trembling.

"(F/Name)!" I shout and run to her side.

I wrap my hands around her wrists, that are currently connected to the hands that are pulling her hair, and begin to guide them away from her (H/Length), (H/Colour) locks. She reacts to the contact and jolts her head to look at me, eyes still wide and mouth agape, breathing heavily and rapidly.

"(F/Name), it's me, it's Jumin." I state.

"J-J-Jumin..." She stutters.

"Yes, (F/Name), it's me, I've got you now, you're safe, okay?" I try to reassure her and she slowly manages to nod her head.

I try once more to guide her wrists away from her hair and she allows me. I pull her in to a tight embrace as I sit beside her on the bed. Her breathing turns into sniffling.

"It's okay, (F/Name), you're safe now, I've got you." I keep repeating quietly to the girl.

She raises her hands and grips onto my, still blood-covered, shirt and whimpers.

"Shh, it's okay, everything will be okay now." I say and eventually she looks up at me.

"Jumin..." She whispers so quietly it's almost inaudible.

"Yes, (F/Name)?" I ask, wiping her tears away with my thumb as my other hand holds her close to me.

"Thank you." She whispers once more and she smiles, a painful smile, but she smiles.

I smile back at the girl and pull her head back in so she can listen to my heartbeat.

"I'm so glad you're safe, (F/Name)." I simply respond, stroking her hair.

Jumin Han x Kidnapped! Dying! Reader - Bad Luck [Mystic Messenger]Where stories live. Discover now